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Will Repository Cover Sheet Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Thurston Local County.
Tags: Will Repository Cover Sheet, Washington Local County, Thurston
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Please Note: The purpose of depositing Wills and Codicils with the Clerk is to provide a safe place. It is not required by law that Wills and Codicils be deposited with the Clerk. The acceptance of a Wills and Codicils for safekeeping by the Clerk in no way ensures the validity of any its provision, nor does acceptance in any way enhance the force or effect. Wills and Codicils are sealed documents before the Testator/trix dies and cannot be released except to the Testator/trix upon proper identification. Any person, including an attorney in fact or guardian of the Testator/trix, may withdraw the original(s) so filed only upon court order. Upon request and presentation of a certified copy of the Testator/trix's death certificate, the documents may become a matter of public record. SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THURSTON COUNTY IN RE THE DEPOSITED WILL OF: NO. WILL REPOSITORY COVER SHEET (Confidential File) (WRCS) Testator/trix. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY, COMPLETE THE TESTATOR/TRIX'S INFORMATION BELOW UPON FILING OF THE WILL (The information below is not necessary upon filing of subsequent Codicils) 1. Testator/trix's full legal name: _______________________________________________ 2. Please complete the following information (PLEASE PRINT): Birth Place and Date (City, state or country) Date: Mother's Maiden Name Soc Sec # Father's Name (Last four digits only) Driver's License # Place: Date: ________________________________ 23 24 25 26 27 28 Identification of Deposited Document: _____________________________________ Signature of Testator/trix or Depositor ______________________________________ Print Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City, State and Zip Will dated ____________________. Codicil dated _________________. LINDA MHYRE ENLOW THURSTON COUNTY CLERK 2000 LAKERIDGE DR. SW, OLYMPIA, WA 98502 (360) 786-5430-- FAX: (360) 753-4033 F:\FORMS\FJC\PROBATE\Will Repository Cover Sheet.doc American LegalNet, Inc.