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Written Statement Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Whatcom Local County.
Tags: Written Statement, Washington Local County, Whatcom
Defendant's Name
Case Number
The local rules of the Yakima County District Court allow you to submit a written
statement instead of appearing at the hearing, notice of which is enclosed with this
form. If you wish to submit a written statement in lieu of appearing at the hearing,
please use this form. It must be received by the Clerk at least one court day before
the hearing. You also must provide the Clerk with a stamped, self-addressed
envelope so that you can be advised as to the result of the hearing. No appeal may
be taken from the result. You may attach photocopies of any documents you believe
are relevant to your statement. Do not attach original documents.
I hereby certify or affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington
that the foregoing is true. I promise that if it is determined that I committed the
infraction(s) for which I was cited, I will pay the monetary penalty assessed by the
Signed this ______ day of ________________, 20_____, at _________________, WA
place where signed
your signature
Bring or mail this form to Yakima County District Court, Room 225 County Courthouse,
128 No. 2nd Street, Yakima WA 98901: Tel: 509-574-1800. Include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope.
American LegalNet, Inc.