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Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Whatcom Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem, Washington Local County, Whatcom
In re Guardianship of
An Alleged Incapacitated Person
1. The facts set forth in the Petition include those necessary to give the Court jurisdiction over
this matter.
2. Pursuant to RCW 11.88.090, a Guardian ad Litem should be appointed.
3. [
] The Guardian ad Litem should be the person whose name next appears on the
Whatcom County Guardian ad Litem registry; or
4. [
] The Guardian ad Litem should not be the person whose name next appears on the
registry because the Court finds extraordinary circumstances exist as follows:
5. [
] Payment of the filing fee, and the fees-costs of the Guardian ad Litem by Alleged
Incapacitated Person would result in a substantial hardship upon such person because
Order Appointing Guardianship Guardian ad Litem and Notice of Hearing
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The Court orders:
] The Clerk’s filing fee is waived.
[ ] The Guardian ad Litem shall be appointed at public expense, to be paid at a rate not to
exceed $__________ per hour up to a maximum of $__________ without further, prior Court
approval. Should evidence hereafter be submitted showing that hardship did not exist or no
longer exists, the Court shall reimburse the filing fee and all other fees and costs.
[ ] The Guardian ad Litem shall be appointed at private expense. The Guardian ad Litem
shall be paid at a rate of $__________ per hour.
The hearing on the Guardianship petition shall occur:
] Date to be set by separate notice; OR
] Date: ______________________________
Hour: _______________
, phone number
, is
found or known by the Court to be a suitable disinterested person with the requisite knowledge,
training or expertise, who is hereby appointed as Guardian ad Litem for the above-named
The Guardian ad Litem shall have the following duties as mandated by statute:
(a) To file within five days of receipt of Notice of Appointment, and serve all parties
personally or by certified mail with return receipt requested, his or her written statement
required by RCW 11.88.090(2)(b), which shall include: his or her history as defined in
RCW 9.94A.030 for the period covering ten years prior to the appointment; his or her
hourly rate, if appointed at private expense; whether the Guardian ad Litem has had any
contact with a party to the proceeding prior to his or her appointment; and whether he or
she has an apparent conflict of interest.
(b) To meet and consult with the Alleged Incapacitated Person as soon as practicable
following appointment and explain, in language which such person can reasonably be
expected to understand, the substance of the petition, the nature of the resultant
proceedings, the person’s right to contest the petition, the identification of the proposed
Guardian or Limited Guardian, the right to a jury trial on the issue of his or her alleged
incapacity, the right to independent legal counsel as provided by RCW 11.88.045, and
the right to be present in court at the hearing on the petition;
(c) To obtain a written report according to RCW 11.88.045; and such other written or oral
reports from other qualified professionals as are necessary to permit the Guardian ad
Litem to complete the report required by RCW 11.88.090 and to advise Alleged
Incapacitated Person of the identity of the health care professional selected by the
Guardian ad Litem to prepare the medical report. If Alleged Incapacitated Person
opposes said health care professional selected by the Guardian ad Litem, the Guardian
ad Litem shall use the health care professional selected by Alleged Incapacitated
Order Appointing Guardianship Guardian ad Litem and Notice of Hearing
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Person, but may obtain a supplemental examination by a different physician or
psychologist or advanced certified nurse practitioner;
(d) To meet with the person whose appointment is sought as Guardian or Limited Guardian
and ascertain:
(1) The proposed Guardian’s knowledge of the duties, requirements, and limitations of a
(2) The steps the proposed Guardian intends to take or has taken to identify and meet
the needs of Alleged Incapacitated Person; and
(3) Ensure the proposed professional guardian’s Statement of Fees is filed.
(4) To consult as necessary to complete the investigation and report by this section with
those known relatives, friends, or other persons the Guardian ad Litem determines to
have had a significant, continuing interest in the welfare of Alleged Incapacitated
(e) To investigate alternate arrangements made or which might be created, by or on behalf
of the Alleged Incapacitated Person, such revocable or irrevocable trusts, durable
powers attorney or blocked account; whether good cause exists for any such
arrangements to be discontinued; and why such arrangements should not be continued
or created in lieu of a Guardianship:
(f) To provide the Court with a written report which shall include the following:
(1) A description of the nature, cause and degree of incapacity, and the basis upon
which this judgment was made;
(2) A description of the needs of the Incapacitated Person for care and treatment, the
probable residential requirements of the Alleged Incapacitated Person and the basis
upon which these findings were made;
(3) An evaluation of the appropriateness of the Guardian or Limited Guardian whose
appointment is sought and a description of the steps the proposed Guardian has
taken or intends to take to identify and meet current and emerging needs of the
Incapacitated Person;
(4) A description of any alternative arrangements previously made by the Alleged
Incapacitated Person or which could be made, and whether and to what extent such
alternatives should be used in lieu of a Guardianship, and if the Guardian ad Litem is
recommending discontinuation of any such arrangements, specific findings as to why
such arrangements are contrary to the best interest of the Alleged Incapacitated
(5) A description of the abilities of the Alleged Incapacitated Person and a
recommendation as to whether a Guardian or Limited Guardian should be appointed.
If appointment of a Limited Guardian is recommended, the Guardian ad Litem shall
recommend the specific areas of authority the Limited Guardian should have and the
limitations and disabilities to be placed on the Incapacitated Person;
(g) An evaluation of the person’s mental ability to rationally exercise the right to vote and the
basis upon which the evaluation is made;
Order Appointing Guardianship Guardian ad Litem and Notice of Hearing
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(h) Any expression of approval or disapproval made by the Alleged Incapacitated Person
concerning the proposed Guardian or Limited Guardian or Guardianship or Limited
(i) Identification of persons with significant interest in the welfare of the Alleged
Incapacitated Person who should be advised of their right to request special notice of
proceedings pursuant to RCW 11.92.150; and
(j) Unless independent counsel has appeared for the Alleged Incapacitated Person, an
explanation of how the Alleged Incapacitated Person responded to the advice of the right
to jury trial, to independent counsel, and to present at the hearing on the petition.
(k) Within forty-five days after notice of commencement of the Guardianship proceeding has
been served upon the Guardian ad Litem, and at least fifteen days before the hearing on
the petition, unless an extension or reduction of time has been granted by the Court for
good cause, the Guardian ad Litem shall file a report and send a copy of the Alleged
Incapacitated Person and his or her counsel, spouse, all children not residing with a
notified person, those persons described in (g)(viii) of this subsection, and persons who
have filed a request for special notice pursuant to RCW 11.92.150. If the Guardian ad
Litem needs additional time to finalize his or her report, then the Guardian ad Litem shall
petition the Court for a postponement of the hearing or, with the consent of all other
parties, an extension or reduction of time for filing the report. If the hearing does not
occur within sixty days of filing the petition, then upon the two-month anniversary of filing
the petition and on or before the same day of each following month until the hearing, the
Guardian ad Litem shall file interim reports summarizing his or her activities on the
proceeding during that time period as well as fees and costs incurred.
(l) To advise the Court of the need for appointment of counsel for the Alleged Incapacitated
Person within five court days after the meeting described in (a) of this subsection unless
(i) counsel has appeared, (ii) the Alleged Incapacitated Person affirmatively
communicated a wish not to be represented by counsel after being advised of the right
to representation and of the conditions under which court-provided counsel may be
available, or (iii) the Alleged Incapacitated Person was unable to communicate at all on
the subject, and the Guardian ad Litem is satisfied that the Alleged Incapacitated Person
does not affirmatively desire to be represented by counsel.
(m) The Guardian ad Litem shall provide the Court with a working copy of the Guardian ad
Litem report pursuant to local rule or custom.
(n) The Guardian ad Litem shall have access to all information regarding the Alleged
Incapacitated Person. Such information may contain, but is not limited to the following:
medical, psychiatric/psychological, financial records or documentation, matters of legal
representation of the Alleged Incapacitated Person, and trust accounts for or on behalf
of the Alleged Incapacitated Person. By this Order, copies of information regarding the
Alleged Incapacitated Person shall be released to the Guardian ad Litem.
(1) The Guardian ad Litem shall maintain any information as confidential and shall not
disclose said information except in oral or written reports to the court, the parties and
their counsel.
Order Appointing Guardianship Guardian ad Litem and Notice of Hearing
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The Court also ORDERS:
DATED AND SIGNED THIS _____ DAY OF _________________ , 20___.
Judge/Court Commissioner
Presented by:
Signature of Petitioner/Attorney
Printed Name of Petitioner/Attorney,
Telephone/Fax Number
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address
Order Appointing Guardianship Guardian ad Litem and Notice of Hearing
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