Investment Adviser Certification Form (2007 Fiscal Year)
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Investment Adviser Certification Form (2007 Fiscal Year) Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Investment Adviser Certification Form (2007 Fiscal Year), Washington Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
Firm Name___________________________________________________IARD No.______________
Form ADV
Please check one of the following:
___ I have reviewed my firm’s Form ADV Part 1 and no changes are necessary.
___ I have reviewed the Part 1 and an amendment has been filed on IARD.
Please check one of the following:
___ I have reviewed my firm’s Form ADV Part II and no changes are necessary.
___ I have reviewed the Part II and an amendment has been filed with the Division or is enclosed.
Net Worth Requirement
Please attach your balance sheet to this form (if you have already filed the balance sheet please
check here ___). The balance sheet should be prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
The firm’s fiscal year ends on: ____________________ month _______ day
Is the firm able to meet its obligations and pay its debts as they come due in the ordinary course of
business? ___ Yes ___ No
Note: If the firm has discretion the balance sheet must show net worth of at least $10,000, and if the
firm has full custody of client funds or securities the net worth requirement is $35,000.
Does the firm have discretion? ___ Yes ___ No
Does the firm have custody? ___ Yes ___ No
Is “Yes” checked only because the firm deducts fees from client accounts? ___Yes ___No
If the balance sheet does not show sufficient net worth does the firm have one of the following it is
relying on to meet net worth requirements:
___ Surety bond in the amount of $____________________
___ Subordination agreement
I certify that I am a principal of the adviser and have reviewed the balance sheet.
Phone Number
Please return this form and the balance sheet by March 31, 2008 to: Bruce Johnson, Securities
Division, PO Box 9033, Olympia, WA 98507-9033 FAX 360-704-6981 Phone # 360-902-8781
American LegalNet, Inc.