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Articles Of Amendment Washington Profit Corporation Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Amendment Washington Profit Corporation, Washington Secretary Of State, Corporation
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Washington Profit Corporation
See attached detailed instructions
□ Filing Fee $30.00
□ Filing Fee with Expedited Service $80.00
UBI Number:
Chapter 23B.10 RCW
NAME OF CORPORATION: (as currently recorded with the Office of the Secretary of State)
AMENDMENTS were adopted on this DATE:
ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT WERE ADOPTED BY: (please check one of the following)
Board of Directors (shareholder action was not required)
Duly approved by shareholders in accordance with 23B.10.030 and 23B.10.040 RCW
Incorporators (shareholder action was not required)
AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES ON FILE: (if necessary, attach additional information)
EFFECTIVE DATE OF ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT: (please check one of the following)
Upon filing by the Secretary of State
Specific Date: __________________ (Specified effective date must be within 90 days AFTER the Articles of
Amendment have been filed by the Office of the Secretary of State)
SIGNATURE (see instructions page)
This document is hereby executed under penalties of perjury, and is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
X __________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name/Title
Phone Number
Profit Corporation - Amendment
Washington Secretary of State
Revised 07/10
American LegalNet, Inc.
Please complete all sections of the Articles of Incorporation. USE DARK INK ONLY. For an electronic, fillable
version of this form, please visit our website at
UBI Number: Please enter your existing Unified Business Identifier (UBI Number) as currently recorded with
the Office of the Secretary of State, in the box in the upper right hand corner of page 1.
Section 1
Indicate the corporation name as it is currently recorded with the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 2
Provide the date that the corporation adopted the amendments.
Section 3
Choose either, Board of Directors (shareholder action was not required) or duly approved shareholder action in
accordance with Chapter 23B.10.030 and 23B.10.040 RCW, if officers and directors have been elected or
appointed. Select incorporators only if no officers or directors are named in the Articles or if an initial report or
annual report has not been filed.
Section 4
Indicate the text of your amendment here: If necessary, include an attachment with more detail. Do not use
this form to update officers, directors, shareholders (owners) or the principal place of business. Please
contact our office for the appropriate form.
Section 5
Choose either upon filing by the secretary of state or you may indicate an effective date. The effective date can
be up to 90 days AFTER filing of the Articles of Amendment by the office of the Secretary of State.
Section 6
The signer must be an officer or the chairman of the board of the corporation. The incorporator may sign only
if no officers or directors are named in the Articles or if an initial annual report or annual report has not been
Additional Information:
FEES: The filing fee for Articles of Amendment is $30.00 If expedited service is requested, include an
additional $50.00 and write “EXPEDITE” on the outside of the envelope. Make the checks or money orders
payable to “Secretary of State”. (ALL fees are non-refundable)
Mail completed forms and payment to:
Secretary of State
Corporation Division
801 Capitol Way S
PO Box 40234
Olympia WA 98504-0234
If you have questions, need assistance, or would like to provide feedback please visit the Corporations Division
website at or call 360-725-0377.
Profit Corporation - Amendment
Washington Secretary of State
Print Form
Revised 07/10
American LegalNet, Inc.