Trademark Reservation
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Trademark Reservation Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Trademark Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Trademark Reservation, Washington Secretary Of State, Trademark
(see list of goods and services BELOW, multiple classes can be selected on application) (See WAC 434-12-015 for a complete description of each classification) American LegalNet, Inc. (if applicable)check box if same as correspondence) If yes, mark is text only, without any preference to font, style or color. List the mark text. If no, please continue to section below.) If no was answered above, describe the mark below. ) One copy of the trademark artwork must be submitted with application. Drawings, preliminary artwork, and typed statements are acceptable.) American LegalNet, Inc. This document is hereby executed under penalties of perjury, and is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. X Signature Printed Name & Title Date American LegalNet, Inc.