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Objection To Relocation Petition For Modification Of Cusody Decree Parenting Plan Residential Schedule Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Objection To Relocation Petition For Modification Of Cusody Decree Parenting Plan Residential Schedule, DRPSCU 07.0700, Washington Statewide, Domestic Relations
Superior Court of Washington
County of
In re:
Objection to Relocation/
Petition for Modification of
Custody Decree/Parenting
Plan/Residential Schedule
Para. 3.10: check box if petition is
attached for:
[ ] Order for protection DV (PTORPRT)
[ ] Order for protection UH (PTORAH)
Identification of Parties
Objecting Party
Name (first/last) of objecting party ______________________________________________.
Relocating Party
Name (first/last) of relocating party ______________________________________________.
Other Persons With Court-Ordered Time With the Children
List other persons with court-ordered time with the children.
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________________________
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________________________
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________________________
Dependent Children
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________ Age _________
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________ Age _________
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________ Age _________
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Name (first/last) _____________________________________________ Age _________
Name (first/last) _____________________________________________ Age _________
II. Objection to Relocation or Proposed Revised Residential Schedule
(Check all that apply)
I, (objecting party) ___________________________________, object to the intended
relocation described in (relocating party) _______________________________’s Notice of
Intended Relocation of Children dated _________________________________.
I, (objecting party) _________________________________________, object to the
proposed revised parenting plan/residential schedule attached to
(relocating party) ______________________________________’s Notice of Intended
Relocation of Children dated ________________________.
A true and correct copy of the Notice of Intended Relocation of Children, [ ] without [ ] with
proposed new parenting plan/residential schedule, is attached.
III. Basis
Petition for an Order Modifying Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential
Schedule Pursuant to Relocation
This is a petition for modification of custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule pursuant to
relocation. The objecting party asks the court to enter an order:
Restraining the intended relocation of the children.
Retaining the custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule entered on
(date) _____________________________ .
Approving the parenting plan/residential schedule filed with this petition. (Use the
Washington State mandatory pattern form.)
Adequate Cause
The relocation of the children is being pursued. There is no need for adequate cause for hearing this
petition for modification.
Child Support
Does not apply.
An order establishing child support in conjunction with the proposed parenting plan should
be entered. A child support worksheet and financial declaration have been filed with this
action. (No separate petition for modification of child support needs to be filed.)
Jurisdiction and Venue
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The court has proper jurisdiction and venue.
The objecting party resides in (county and state only) ____________________________________.
The children reside in (county and state only) __________________________________________.
The relocating party resides in (county and state only) ___________________________________.
The current custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule was entered in (county
and state) _____________________________________________. A certified copy of the current
custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule is filed with or attached to this petition, if the
decree or plan to be modified was entered in another county or state.
Jurisdiction Over Proceeding
This court has jurisdiction over this proceeding for the reasons below.
This court has exclusive continuing jurisdiction. The court has previously made a child
custody, parenting plan, residential schedule or visitation determination in this matter and
retains jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.211.
This state is the home state of the children because:
the children lived in Washington with a parent or a person acting as a parent for at
least six consecutive months immediately preceding the commencement of this
the children are less than six months old and have lived in Washington with a
parent or a person acting as parent since birth.
any absences from Washington have been only temporary.
Washington was the home state of the children within six months before the
commencement of this proceeding and the children are absent from the state, but a
parent or person acting as a parent continues to live in this state.
The children and the parents or the children and at least one parent or a person acting as a
parent have significant connection with the state other than mere physical presence, and
substantial evidence is available in this state concerning the children’s care, protection,
training and personal relationships, and
the children have no home state elsewhere.
the children’s home state has declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground that
this state is the more appropriate forum under RCW 26.27.261 or.271.
All courts in the children's home state have declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground
that a court of this state is the more appropriate forum to determine the custody of the
children under RCW 26.27.261 or .271.
No other state has jurisdiction.
This court has temporary emergency jurisdiction over this proceeding because the children
are present in this state and the children have been abandoned or it is necessary in an
emergency to protect the children because the children, or a sibling or parent of the children
is subjected to or threatened with abuse. RCW 26.27.231.
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There is a previous custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under
this chapter or a child custody proceeding has been commenced in a court of a
state having jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.201 through 26.27.221. The
requirements of RCW 26.27.231(3) apply to this matter. This state’s jurisdiction
over the children shall last until (date) _________________________________.
There is no previous custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under
this chapter and a child custody proceeding has not been commenced in a court
of a state having jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.201 through 26.27.221. If an
action is not filed in (potential home state) ____________________________ by
the time the child has been in Washington for six months,
(date) ______________________________, then Washington's jurisdiction will
be final and continuing.
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Information
During the last five years, the children have lived:
in no place other than the state of Washington and with no person other than the objecting
party or another party.
in the following places with the following persons (list each place the children lived,
including the state of Washington, the dates the children lived there and the names of the
persons with whom the children lived. The present addresses of those persons must be
listed in the required Confidential Information Form.):
Claims to custody or visitation:
The objecting party does not know of any person other than the relocating party who has
physical custody of, or claims to have custody or visitation rights to, the children.
The following persons have physical custody of, or claim to have custody or visitation
rights to, the children (list their names and the children concerned below and list their
present addresses in the Confidential Information Form. Do not list the relocating party.):
Involvement in any other proceeding concerning the children:
The objecting party has not been involved in any other proceeding regarding the children.
The objecting party has been involved in the following proceedings regarding the children
(list the court, the case number, and the date of the judgment or order):
Other legal proceedings concerning the children:
The objecting party does not know of any other legal proceedings concerning the children.
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The objecting party knows of the following legal proceedings that concern the children (list
the children concerned, the court, the case number, and the kind of proceeding):
Reasons for Objecting to the Relocation
Based upon the following factors, the detrimental effects of allowing the children to move with the
relocating person outweigh the benefits of the move to the children and the relocating person:
The relative strength, nature, quality, extent of involvement, and stability of the child’s
relationship with each parent [ ] sibling [ ] and other significant persons in the child’s life.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
Prior agreements of the parties.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
Disrupting contact between the child and the objecting party or parent is more
detrimental to the child than disrupting contact between the child and the person with
whom the child resides a majority of the time.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
3.7.4a The objecting party or parent [ ] is [ ] is not subject to limitations under RCW 26.09.191.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
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3.7.4b The following parents or persons entitled to residential time with the child are subject to
limitations under RCW 26.09.191.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
The reasons and good faith of each person seeking or opposing the relocation.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
The age, developmental stage, and needs of the child, and the likely impact the relocation
or its prevention will have on the child’s physical, educational, and emotional
development, taking into consideration any special needs of the child.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
The quality of life, resources, and opportunities available to the child and to the
relocating party in the current and proposed geographic locations.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
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The availability of alternative arrangements to foster and continue the child’s relationship
with and access to the other parent.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
Alternatives to relocation and whether it is feasible and desirable for the other party to
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
3.7.10 The financial impact and logistics of relocation or its prevention.
[ ] Does not apply.
[ ] Does apply. Explain:
Reasons for Objecting to the Relocating Party’s Proposed Parenting
Plan/Residential Schedule
Does not apply.
I object to the relocating party’s proposed parenting plan/residential schedule because:
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Modification or Adjustment to the Residential Provisions of the Parenting
Plan or Residential Schedule
Does not apply.
The objecting party requests an adjustment of the residential provisions of the relocating
party’s proposed parenting plan. The adjustment does not include a change in the residence
in which the children reside the majority of the time.
The objecting party requests a modification of the relocating party’s proposed parenting
plan/residential schedule, including a change in the residence in which the children reside
the majority of the time.
Protection Order
Does not apply.
There is a protection order between the parties filed in case number ________________,
court ___________________________, which expires on (date) ___________________.
The court should grant the [ ] domestic violence [ ] antiharassment petition for order for
[ ] attached to this petition.
[ ] filed separately under [ ] this case number [ ] case number _____________________.
If you need immediate protection, contact the clerk/court for RCW 26.50 Domestic Violence
forms or RCW 10.14 Antiharassment forms.
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IV. Relief Requested
The objecting party requests that the court:
Restrain the relocation of the children.
Permit the relocation of the children.
Retain the custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule signed by the court
dated on ____________________________.
Approve the proposed parenting plan/residential schedule which is filed with this
Objection/Petition. (Use the Washington State mandatory pattern form.)
Enter an order establishing child support in conjunction with the objecting party’s proposed
parenting plan/residential schedule. The child support worksheet and financial declaration
are filed with this petition.
Enter a domestic violence protection order.
Signature of Objecting Party or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print or Type Name
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and
Signed at (city)_________________________, (state) ______________ on (date) ____________________.
Signature of Objecting Party
Print or Type Name
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