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Petition For Dissolution Of Registered Domestic Partnership Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
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Tags: Petition For Dissolution Of Registered Domestic Partnership, 01.0105, Washington Statewide, Domestic Relations
Superior Court of Washington
County of
In re the Domestic Partnership of:
Petition for Dissolution of Registered
Domestic Partnership (PTDSS)
Para.1.13: check box if petition is
attached for:
[ ] Order for protection DV (PTORPRT)
[ ] Order for protection UH (PTORAH)
I. Basis
Identification of Petitioner
Name (first/last)
, Birth date
Last known residence (county and state only)
Identification of Respondent
Name (first/last)
, Birth date
Last known residence (county and state only)
Children Dependent Upon Either or Both Partners
Does not apply. There are no children dependent on either or both partners.
The petitioner and respondent are both the legal (biological or adoptive) parents of the
following dependent children:
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
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Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
The petitioner is and the respondent is not the legal parent of the following dependent
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
The respondent is and the petitioner is not the legal parent of the following dependent
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
Allegation Regarding De Facto Parent Status
Petitioner [ ] is [ ] is not the de facto parent of the respondent’s dependent children:
Does not apply.
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
Petitioner is the de facto parent of the respondent’s dependent children because:
the respondent consented to and fostered the parent-like relationship;
the petitioner and the child lived together in the same household;
the petitioner assumed the obligations of parenthood without expectation of financial
the petitioner has been in a parental role for a length of time sufficient to have established
with the child a bonded, dependent relationship, parental in nature; and
the petitioner has fully and completely undertaken a permanent, unequivocal, committed,
and responsible parental role in the child’s life.
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Respondent [ ] is [ ] is not the de facto parent of the petitioner’s dependent children:
Name (first/last)
Name (first/last)
Respondent is the de facto parent of the petitioner’s dependent children because:
the petitioner consented to and fostered the parent-like relationship;
the respondent and the child lived together in the same household;
the respondent assumed the obligations of parenthood without expectation of financial
the respondent has been in a parental role for a length of time sufficient to have
established with the child a bonded, dependent relationship, parental in nature; and
the respondent has fully and completely undertaken a permanent, unequivocal,
committed, and responsible parental role in the child’s life.
If either party is an alleged de facto parent:
There are no other persons entitled to or claiming rights relating to the above children.
The following persons are entitled to or are claiming rights to the above children:
Name (first/last)
Relationship to the children
Court proceedings, if known
Allegation Regarding Domestic Partnership
This domestic partnership is irretrievably broken.
Date of Registration of Domestic Partnership and Parties’ Residence
The parties registered their domestic partnership on (date) ______________________________.
On that date, the parties resided at (city and state) _____________________________________.
(Use this petition to end your registered domestic partnership, unless you qualify under RCW 26.60.050
to end your registered domestic partnership by filing a notice of termination and affidavit with the
Secretary of State’s office. Do not use this petition if you do not have a registered domestic partnership.)
Petitioner and respondent are not separated.
Petitioner and respondent separated on (date)________________________________.
This is the date (check all that apply):
[ ] the parties moved into separate residences.
[ ] the parties divided their assets and liabilities.
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[ ] petitioner filed this petition.
[ ] both parties agreed is the date of separation.
[ ] other:
This court has jurisdiction over the domestic partnership.
This court has jurisdiction over the respondent because:
the respondent is currently residing in Washington.
the petitioner and respondent lived in Washington during their domestic
partnership and the petitioner continues to reside, or be a member of the armed
forces stationed, in this state.
the petitioner and respondent may have conceived a child while within
This court does not have jurisdiction over the respondent.
There is community or separate property owned by the parties. The court should make a fair and
equitable division of all the property.
The division of property should be determined by the court at a later date.
The petitioner’s recommendation for the division of property is set forth below.
The petitioner should be awarded the parties’ interest in the following property:
The respondent should be awarded the parties’ interest in the following property:
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Debts and Liabilities
The parties have no debts and liabilities.
The parties have debts and liabilities. The court should make a fair and equitable division
of all debts and liabilities.
The division of debts and liabilities should be determined by the court at a later
The petitioner’s recommendation for the division of debts and liabilities is set
forth below.
The petitioner should be ordered to pay the following debts and liabilities
to the following creditors:
The respondent should be ordered to pay the following debts and
liabilities to the following creditors:
Each party should pay their debts incurred since separation.
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Maintenance should not be ordered.
There is a need for maintenance as follows:
Continuing Restraining Order
Does not apply.
A continuing restraining order should be entered which restrains or enjoins the
[ ] petitioner [ ] respondent from disturbing the peace of the other party.
A continuing restraining order should be entered which restrains or enjoins the
[ ] petitioner [ ] respondent from going onto the grounds of or entering the home, work
place or school of the other party or the day care or school of the following children:
A continuing restraining order should be entered which restrains or enjoins the [ ] petitioner
[ ] respondent from knowingly coming within or knowingly remaining within
(distance) ___________ of the home, work place or school of the other party or the day
care or school of these children:
Other: _______________________________________________________________.
A continuing restraining order should be entered which restrains or enjoins
(name) _________________________ from molesting, assaulting, harassing, or stalking
(name) _____________________________. (If the court orders this relief and the
parties are intimate partners as defined under federal law, the restrained person will be
prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition under federal law for the duration of
the order. An exception exists for law enforcement officers and military personnel when
carrying department/government-issued firearms. 18 U.S.C. § 925(a)(1).)
Protection Order
Does not apply.
There is a protection order between the parties filed in case number ________________,
court __________________________, which expires on (date) ____________________.
The court should grant the [ ] domestic violence [ ] antiharassment petition for order for
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[ ] attached to this petition.
[ ] filed separately under [ ] this case number [ ] case number _____________________.
If you need immediate protection, contact the clerk/court for RCW 26.50 Domestic Violence
forms or RCW 10.14 Antiharassment forms.
No party is pregnant.
The domestic partner (name), __________________________, is pregnant.
Jurisdiction Over the Children
Does not apply because there are no dependent children.
This court has jurisdiction over the children for the reasons set forth below:
This court has exclusive continuing jurisdiction. The court has previously made a child
custody, parenting plan, residential schedule or visitation determination in this matter and
retains jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.211.
This state is the home state of the children because:
the children lived in Washington with a parent or a person acting as a parent for at
least six consecutive months immediately preceding the commencement of this
the children are less than six months old and have lived in Washington with a
parent or a person acting as parent since birth.
any absences from Washington have been only temporary.
Washington was the home state of the children within six months before the
commencement of this proceeding and the children are absent from the state but a
parent or person acting as a parent continued to live in this state.
The children and the parents or the children and at least one parent or person acting as a
parent, have significant connection with the state other than mere physical presence; and
substantial evidence is available in this state concerning the children’s care, protection,
training and personal relationships; and
the children have no home state elsewhere.
the children’s home state has declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground that
this state is the more appropriate forum under RCW 26.27.261 or .271.
All courts in the children's home state have declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground
that a court of this state is the more appropriate forum to determine the custody of the
children under RCW 26.27.261 or .271.
No other state has jurisdiction.
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This court has temporary emergency jurisdiction over this proceeding because the children
are present in this state and the children have been abandoned or it is necessary in an
emergency to protect the children because the children, or a sibling or parent of the children
is subjected to or threatened with abuse. RCW 26.27.231.
There is a previous custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under
this chapter or a child custody proceeding has been commenced in a court of a
state having jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.201 through 26.27.221. The
requirements of RCW 26.27.231(3) apply to this matter. This state’s jurisdiction
over the children shall last until (date) _______________________________.
There is no previous custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under
this chapter and a child custody proceeding has not been commenced in a court
of a state having jurisdiction under RCW 26.27.201 through 26.27.221. If an
action is not filed in (potential home state) _____________________ by the
time the child has been in Washington for six months,
(date) ______________________, then Washington's jurisdiction will be final
and continuing.
Child Support and Parenting Plan for Dependent Children
The parties have no dependent children.
A parenting plan and an order of child support pursuant to the Washington State child
support statutes should be entered for the following children who are dependent upon
both parties:
Names of Children:
The petitioner’s proposed parenting plan for the children listed above:
is attached and is incorporated by reference as part of this Petition.
will be filed and served at a later date pursuant to RCW 26.09.181.
(The following information is required only for those children who are included in the
petitioner’s proposed parenting plan.)
During the last five years, the children have lived:
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in no place other than the state of Washington and with no person other than the
petitioner or the respondent.
in the following places with the following persons (list each place the children
lived, including the state of Washington, the dates the children lived there and the
names of the persons with whom the children lived. The present addresses of
those persons must be listed in the required Confidential Information Form):
Claims to custody or visitation:
The petitioner does not know of any person other than the respondent who has
physical custody of, or claims to have custody or visitation rights to, the children.
The following persons have physical custody of, or claim to have custody or
visitation rights to the children (list their names and the children concerned below
and list their present addresses in the Confidential Information Form. Do not list
the responding party):
Involvement in any other proceeding concerning the children:
The petitioner has not been involved in any other proceeding regarding the
The petitioner has been involved in the following proceedings regarding the
children (list the court, the case number, and the date of the judgment or order):
Other legal proceedings concerning the children:
The petitioner does not know of any other legal proceedings concerning the
The petitioner knows of the following legal proceedings that concern the children
(list the children concerned, the court, the case number, and the kind of
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II. Relief Requested
The petitioner Requests the court to enter a decree of dissolution and to grant the relief below.
Provide reasonable maintenance for the [ ] petitioner [ ] respondent.
Enter a finding that the [ ] petitioner [ ] respondent is a de facto parent of the following
Name of children (first, last):
Approve the petitioner’s proposed parenting plan for the dependent children listed in
paragraph 1.15.
Determine support for the dependent children listed in paragraph 1.15 pursuant to the
Washington State Child Support Schedule.
Approve the separation contract or domestic partnership agreement.
Divide the property and liabilities.
Change name of petitioner to (first, middle, last): __________________________.
Change name of respondent to (first, middle, last): ______________________.
Enter a domestic violence protection order.
Enter an antiharassment protection order.
Enter a continuing restraining order.
Order payment of day care expenses for the children listed in paragraph 1.15.
Award the tax exemptions for the dependent children listed in paragraph 1.15 as follows:
Order payment of attorney fees, other professional fees and costs.
Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print Name
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and
Signed at (city) ________________________, (state) _________ on (date) ______________________.
Signature of Petitioner
Print Name
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I, the respondent, join in the petition. I understand that by joining in the petition, a decree or judgment
and order may be entered in accordance with the relief requested in the petition, unless prior to the entry
of the decree or judgment and order a response is filed and served.
[ ] I waive notice of entry of the decree.
[ ] I demand notice of all further proceedings in this matter. Further notice should be sent to the
following address (you may list an address that is not your residential address where you agree to
accept legal documents):
Any time this address changes while this action is pending, you must notify the opposing parties in
writing and file an updated Confidential Information Form (WPF DRPSCU 09.0200) with the court
Signature of Respondent
Print Name
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