Order To Serve By Publication
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Order To Serve By Publication Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Order To Serve By Publication, DRPSCU 01.0265, Washington Statewide, Domestic Relations
Superior Court of Washington
County of
In re:
Order for Service of Summons
by Publication
(If Required by Local Practice)
I. Basis
The court has considered ________________________________ [moving party]’s motion and
declaration requesting that the summons in this matter be served by publication.
II. Findings
Based on the representations made in the declaration, the court Finds that the summons in this matter
may be served on ____________________________________________ [nonmoving party] by
publication in accordance with RCW 4.28.100.
III. Order
It is Ordered that the summons in this matter may be served on the nonmoving party by publication in
conformity with RCW 4.28.100.
Presented by:
Signature of Moving Party or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print or Type Name
Ord for Serv by Publication (ORPUB) - Page 1 of 1
WPF DRPSCU 01.0265 (6/2006) - RCW 4.28.100
American LegalNet, Inc.