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Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law On Rescission Of Denial Of Paternity Within 60 Days Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law On Rescission Of Denial Of Paternity Within 60 Days, PS 12.0400, Washington Statewide, Domestic Relations
Superior Court of Washington
County of
In re Parentage:
Findings of Fact and
Conclusions of Law on
Rescission of Denial of Paternity
Within 60 Days
I. Basis for Findings
The findings are based on:
agreement of the parties.
an order of default entered on _______________________________ [Date].
a hearing held on _______________________ [Date]. The following people attended:
Acknowledged Father
Presumed Father
Guardian ad Litem
Mother’s Attorney
Acknowledged Father’s Attorney
Presumed Father’s Attorney
II. Findings of Fact
Upon the basis of the court record, the court Finds:
Notice and Basis of Personal Jurisdiction Over the Parties
All parties necessary to adjudicate the issues were served with a copy of the summons and
petition and are subject to the jurisdiction of this court. At the commencement of this action, no
other court hearing involving these parties and the child had taken place. The facts below
establish personal jurisdiction over the parties:
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American LegalNet, Inc.
The mother signed an Acknowledgment of Paternity that was filed with the Washington
State Registrar of Vital Statistics on ____________________ [Date].
The acknowledged father signed an Acknowledgment of Paternity that was filed with
the Washington State Registrar of Vital Statistics on _______________________ [Date].
The presumed father signed a Denial of Paternity that was filed with the Washington
State Registrar of Vital Statistics on ____________________ [Date].
The Child Whose Paternity Is Affected in this Action
This action affects the paternity of ________________________ [Name] born on
___________________________ [Date]. The result of this proceeding does not establish or
disestablish the paternity of the presumed father; it will only establish whether the Denial of
Paternity may be rescinded (withdrawn).
Paternity Action
Does not apply.
A paternity action has been filed.
A paternity action has not been filed.
____________________ [Name] should be ordered to file a proceeding to adjudicate
parentage in this cause.
Rescission Period
The effective date of the Acknowledgment of Paternity is ___________________ [Date] and this
proceeding was begun [ ] more [ ] not more than 60 days from the effective date of the
The effective date of the Denial of Paternity is _______________________ [Date] and this
proceeding was begun [ ] more [ ] not more than 60 days from the effective date of the denial.
Child’s Name
There is not good cause to change the child’s name.
There is good cause to change the child’s surname to ____________________.
Continuing Restraining Order
Does not apply.
A continuing restraining order against the [ ] father [ ] mother [ ] both parties is necessary
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Protection Order
Does not apply.
A domestic violence protection order protecting _______________________ [Name]
from _______________________________ [Name] is necessary based upon declarations
in the file or attached.
If the duration of this order exceeds one year, the court finds that an order of one
year or less will be insufficient to prevent further acts of domestic violence.
Attorney Fees and Costs
Fees and costs in the amount of $______________ should be awarded to
________________________ [Name] payable by ________________________ [Name].
III. Conclusions of Law
The court has jurisdiction to enter an order in this matter.
The court does not have jurisdiction to enter an order in this matter that was begun more
than 60 days from the effective date of the acknowledgment and denial of paternity.
The court shall enter an order on rescission:
Dismissing the petition because this proceeding to rescind the Denial of Paternity was not
timely begun.
Granting the Petition for Rescission of Denial of Paternity and voiding the
Acknowledgment of Paternity.
Denying the Petition Rescission of Denial of Paternity.
Making provision for an amended birth certificate of the child.
Making provision for a domestic violence protection order with an expiration date
of ____________________________.
Making provision for a continuing restraining order.
Ordering ____________________ [Name] to begin a proceeding to adjudicate paternity.
Ordering _____________________ [Name] to pay attorney fees and costs in the amount
of $______________payable to ______________________________ [Name].
Dated: ________________________________
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Presented by:
Approved for entry:
Notice of presentation waived:
Signature of Party or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Signature of Party or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print or Type Name
Print or Type Name
Signature of Party of Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print or Type Name
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American LegalNet, Inc.