Sealed Birth Certificate Or Paternity Document Cover Sheet
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Superior Court of Washington, County of In re: Petitioner/s (person/s who started this case): No. And Respondent/s (other party/parties): Sealed Birth Certificate or Paternity Document (Cover Sheet) (XSADP) Clerk's action required Sealed Birth Certificate or Paternity Document (Cover Sheet) Use this form as a cover sheet to keep your documents private from the public. On the first page of each document, write the word "SEALED" 1 inch from the top of the page. Check the documents you are attaching to this cover sheet to be sealed: Birth Certificate Paternity Acknowledgment Denial of Paternity Submitted by: Sign here Petitioner or his/her lawyer Respondent or his/her lawyer Print name (and WSBA No., if lawyer ) Important! The other person and the lawyers in your case can see your sealed documents. If you need to keep your address information private for safety reasons, you may cross out or delete your address information. GR 22(d)(2) Optional Form (05/2016) FL Parentage 329 Sealed Birth Certificate or Paternity Document p. 1 of __ American LegalNet, Inc.