Ex Parte Order Allowing Petitioner To Arrange Service
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Ex Parte Order Allowing Petitioner To Arrange Service Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Ex Parte Order Allowing Petitioner To Arrange Service, DRPSCU 08.0520, Washington Statewide, Domestic Relations
Superior Court of Washington
County of
In re:
Ex Party Order Allowing
Petitioner to Arrange Service
(Optional Use)
I. Basis
The petitioner filed a motion asking the court for an order allowing the petitioner, rather than the
County Superior Court, to arrange for service of legal documents
and notices on the parties in this action.
II. Findings
Good cause exists to grant the requested relief.
III. Order
It is Ordered that the petitioner shall arrange for service of legal documents and notices in this
proceeding in lieu of the superior court as required by RCW 26.27.441.
Presented by:
Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.
Print or Type Name
Ord Allow Pt to Arr Serv (ORRSR) - Page 1 of 1
WPF DRPSCU 08.0520 (6/2006) RCW 26.27.441
American LegalNet, Inc.