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Order Modifying Terminating Order For Protection Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Violence Statewide.
Tags: Order Modifying Terminating Order For Protection, DV 7.030, Washington Statewide, Domestic Violence
Court of Washington for No. ________________________________ _____ Petitioner DOB vs. ________________________________ _____ Respondent DOB Order Modifying/Terminating Order for Protection Petitioner Respondent (Order Lasts Two Years or Less) (ORMTPO) (Clerk's action required) The Moving Party (requester) is the: Petitioner. Respondent and the order identified below was granted for two years or less. (If the order lasts more than two years, do not use this order. Use form DV 7.080, Order on Respondent's Motion and Declaration to Modify/Terminate Order for Protection Effective More Than Two Years.) The court considered the pleadings, relevant portions of the file, and testimony, if any. The court orders that the: Temporary Order for Protection, filed on Order for Protection, filed on _____________________________________, filed on is: terminated. continued in effect but modified as follows: (date). (date). (date). . This order is a temporary modification. It will be effective until the hearing scheduled below. ORD MOD/TERM ORD FOR PROTECTION (ORMTPO) - Page 1 of 2 DV-7.030 (07/2011) - RCW 26.50.130 American LegalNet, Inc. The parties are directed to appear for a hearing on ____________________, at, ______ a.m./p.m., at ___________________________________________________________________ (location). It is further ordered that the clerk of court shall forward a copy of this order on or before the next judicial day to: ___________________________ County Sheriff's Office _____________________ Police Department where petitioner lives which shall enter it in a computer-based criminal intelligence system available in this state used by law enforcement to list outstanding warrants. Service The clerk of court shall also forward a copy of this order on or before the next judicial day to: _______________________ County Sheriff's Office _________________ Police Department where the other party lives which shall personally serve __________________________([name) with a copy of this order and shall promptly complete and return to this court proof of service. or The moving party (requester) shall make private arrangements for service of this order. or The other party appeared and was informed of the order by the court; further service is not required. Dated: _____________ a.m./p.m. __________ Judge/Court Commissioner I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Order: I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Order: __________________________________________ Moving Party (requester) Date Non-moving party Date ORD MOD/TERM ORD FOR PROTECTION (ORMTPO) - Page 2 of 2 DV-7.030 (07/2011) - RCW 26.50.130 American LegalNet, Inc.