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Order To Surrender Weapon Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Violence Statewide.
Tags: Order To Surrender Weapon, DV 4.040, Washington Statewide, Domestic Violence
Superior Court of Washington
__________________________________ _________
__________________________________ _________
Order to Surrender Weapon
ORWPNP (CPL Restriction)
ORWPN (No CPL Restriction)
(Clerk's Action Required)
This matter came on regularly before the court on a Petition for Surrender of Weapon. Based upon the
petition, testimony, and the relevant case record, the court finds:
By a preponderance of evidence that:
Possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by the respondent presents a serious and imminent
threat to public health or safety, or to the health or safety of any individual.
By clear and convincing evidence that Respondent:
used, displayed, or threatened to use a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a felony.
Previously committed an offense making him or her ineligible to possess a firearm under RCW
Other findings: __________________________________________________________________
That the relationship of the parties is:
spouse or former spouse*
parent of a common child *
current or former cohabitant as intimate
partner, including current or former
registered domestic partner*
current or former dating
stepparent or stepchild
current or former
cohabitant as roommate
parent or child
blood relation other
than parent or child
And it is ordered that the respondent :
(Strike out any restriction that does not apply)
Shall surrender all firearms and other dangerous weapons in your possession or control,
including but not limited to, those listed in the table, below, and file proof of surrender within 5
business days of being served this order:
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WPF DV-4.040 (06/2012) - RCW 9.41.800
American LegalNet, Inc.
Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons
Attach sheet if there are more to list.
Surrender firearms and other dangerous weapons to:
the Sheriff of __________________ County
the Chief of Police of the City of _______________________________
respondent’s attorney, Name: __________________________ WSBA No. _________
Other, Name:__________________________________________________
Relationship to Respondent: _______________________
Shall surrender any concealed pistol license issued under RCW 9.41.070 to the same person or
agency listed above.
Is prohibited from obtaining or possessing a firearm or other dangerous weapon or concealed
pistol license.
If the respondent has previously surrendered firearms, other dangerous weapons and concealed pistol
license, they shall remain in the possession of the recipient until further order of the court.
The Law Enforcement Officer serving this order is authorized to confiscate Respondent's
weapons at the time of service.
The Clerk of Court shall forward a copy of this order on or before the next judicial day to the
_________________________ County Sheriff's Office or __________________________ City
Police Department where petitioner lives which shall enter this order in the Washington Crime
Information Center computer.
_______________________ County Sheriff's Office or _______________________ City
Police Department where respondent lives which shall personally serve the respondent with
a copy of this order and shall promptly complete and return to this court proof of service.
Respondent appeared in court. Additional service is not required.
Dated _________________ at _________a.m./p.m.
Presented by:
I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this order.
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WPF DV-4.040 (06/2012) - RCW 9.41.800
American LegalNet, Inc.