Order Transferring Domestic Violence Case And Setting Hearing
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Order Transferring Domestic Violence Case And Setting Hearing Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Domestic Violence Statewide.
Tags: Order Transferring Domestic Violence Case And Setting Hearing, DV 5.020, Washington Statewide, Domestic Violence
COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR __________________________________ _________ Petitioner DOB vs. __________________________________ _________ Respondent DOB ORIGINATING COURT NO. SUPERIOR COURT NO. ORDER TRANSFERRING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASE AND SETTING HEARING (ORTRDV) (Clerk's Action Required) 1. A petition requesting the issuance of an Order for Protection was filed in this court on ____________________________________(Date). 2. Based upon the petition, testimony and the case record, the court finds that the case should be transferred to superior court for a full hearing because: a superior court has exercised jurisdiction or is exercising jurisdiction over a proceeding involving the parties under RCW Title 26 or Chapter 13.34. the petition presents a child custody or visitation issue. the petition requests the court to exclude the respondent from the dwelling which the parties share. IT IS ORDERED that this case and copies of all related legal documents be transferred to superior court. THE TEMPORARY ORDER FOR PROTECTION IS EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE HEARING SCHEDULED AT ____________________a.m./p.m. ON _________________________________ (Date) AT ______________________ Superior Court located at ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. The respondent is directed to appear and show cause why an order for protection should not be made effective for one year or more, and why the court should not order the relief requested by the petitioner or other relief, including electronic monitoring, payment of costs, and treatment. FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING MAY RESULT IN THE COURT GRANTING THE REQUESTED RELIEF. DATED JUDGE/COMMISSIONER ORD TRANSFER DOM VIOL CASE/SETTING HRG (ORTRDV) � Page 1 of 1 WPF DV-05.020 (9/2000) - RCW 26.50.020(5) 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.