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First Answer To Writ Of Garnishment For Coninuing Lien On Earnings Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Garnishment Statewide.
Tags: First Answer To Writ Of Garnishment For Coninuing Lien On Earnings, GARN 01.0750, Washington Statewide, Garnishment
COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF NO. Plaintiff, vs. Defendant(s), Garnishee. First Answer to Writ of Garnishment for Continuing Lien on Earnings (ANWRGR) SECTION I: If you are withholding the defendant's nonexempt earnings under a previously served writ for a continuing lien, answer only sections I and III of this form and mail or deliver the forms as directed in the writ. Withhold from the defendant's future nonexempt earnings as directed in the writ, and a second set of answer forms will be forwarded to you later. If you are NOT withholding the defendant's earnings under a previously served writ for a continuing lien, answer this ENTIRE form and mail or deliver the forms as directed in the writ. A second set of answer forms will be forwarded to you later for subsequently withheld earnings. ANSWER: I am presently holding the defendant's nonexempt earnings under a previous writ served on _______________ (date) that will terminate not later than ____________________ (date). On the date the Writ of Garnishment was issued as indicated by the date appearing on the last page of the writ, (A) The defendant: (check one) was was not employed by garnishee. If not employed and you have no possession or control of any funds of defendant, indicate the last day of employment:_______________; and complete section III of this answer and mail or deliver the forms as directed in the writ; (B) The defendant: (check one) and did did not maintain a financial account with garnishee; (C) The garnishee: (check one) did did not have possession of or control over any funds, personal property, or effects of the defendant. (List all of defendant's personal property or effects in your possession or control on the bottom of the last page of this answer form or attach a schedule if necessary.) 1st ANS TO WRIT OF GARN FOR CONT LIEN ON EARNINGS (ANWRGR) - Page 1 of 3 WPF GARN 01.0750 (06/2012) - RCW 6.27. 340 American LegalNet, Inc. SECTION II: At the time of service of the Writ of Garnishment on the garnishee, there was due and owing from the garnishee to the above-named defendant $ ________________. This writ attaches a maximum of _________ % (percent) of the Defendant's disposable earnings (that is, compensation payable for personal services, whether called wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and including periodic payments pursuant to a nongovernmental pension or retirement program). Calculate the attachable amount as follows: Gross Earnings: $ _____________ (1) Less deductions required by law (Social Security, federal withholding tax, etc. Do not include deductions for child support orders or Government liens here. Deduct child support orders and liens on line 7): $ _____________ (2) Disposable Earnings (subtract line 2 from line 1): Enter _____ % (percent) of line 3 $ _____________ (3) $ _____________ (4) Enter one of the following exempt amounts*:$ _____________ (5) If paid Weekly $ Semi-monthly $ Bi-weekly $ Monthly $ *These are minimum exempt amounts that the defendant must be paid. If your answer covers more than one pay period, multiply the preceding amount by the number of pay periods and/or fraction thereof your answer covers. If you use a pay period not shown, prorate the monthly exempt amount. Subtract the larger of lines 4 and 5 from line 3: Enter amount (if any) withheld from this paycheck for on-going government liens such as child support: Subtract line 7 from line 6. This amount must be held out for the plaintiff: $ ________________ (6) $ ________________ (7) $ ________________ (8) This is the formula that you will use for withholding each pay period over the required sixty-day garnishment period. Deduct any allowable processing fee you may charge from the amount that is to be paid to the defendant. If there is any uncertainty about your answer give an explanation on the last page or on an attached page. SECTION III: An attorney may answer for the garnishee. Under penalty of perjury, I affirm that I have examined this answer, including accompanied schedules, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. Signature of Garnishee Defendant Date 1st ANS TO WRIT OF GARN FOR CONT LIEN ON EARNINGS (ANWRGR) - Page 2 of 3 WPF GARN 01.0750 (06/2012) - RCW 6.27. 340 American LegalNet, Inc. Signature of person answering for Garnishee Connection with Garnishee Print name of person signing Address of Garnishee If necessary, use this space to supplement your answer from the first and second pages: 1st ANS TO WRIT OF GARN FOR CONT LIEN ON EARNINGS (ANWRGR) - Page 3 of 3 WPF GARN 01.0750 (06/2012) - RCW 6.27. 340 American LegalNet, Inc.