Notice To Federal Government Garnishee
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Notice To Federal Government Garnishee Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Garnishment Statewide.
Tags: Notice To Federal Government Garnishee, GARN 01.0400, Washington Statewide, Garnishment
COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF NO. Plaintiff, vs. Defendant(s), Garnishee. Notice to Federal Government Garnishee (NT) TO: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND ANY DEPARTMENT, AGENCY, OR DIVISION THEREOF You have been named as the garnishee in the above-entitled cause. A Writ of Garnishment accompanies this Notice. The Writ of Garnishment directs you to hold the nonexempt earnings of the named defendant, but does not instruct you to disburse the funds you hold. BY THIS NOTICE THE COURT DIRECTS YOU TO WITHHOLD ALL NONEXEMPT EARNINGS AND DISBURSE THEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR NORMAL PAY AND DISBURSEMENT CYCLE, TO THE FOLLOWING: ____________________ County _____________________ Court Clerk Cause No:__________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PLEASE REFERENCE THE DEFENDANT EMPLOYEE'S NAME AND THE ABOVE CAUSE NUMBER ON ALL DISBURSEMENTS. The enclosed Writ also directs you to respond to the Writ within twenty (20) days, but you are allowed thirty (30) days to respond under federal law. Dated:_________________________________ Clerk of the Court By: ______________________________ Deputy Clerk This notice is issued by the undersigned attorney of record for plaintiff under the authority of RCW 6.27.370, and must be complied with in the same manner as a notice issued by the court. Dated: _____________________________________ NT TO FED GOVERNMENT GARNISHEE (NT) - Page 1 of 1 WPF GARN 01.0400 (06/2012) - RCW 6.27.370 American LegalNet, Inc. __________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff WSBA No.