Motion For Deferred Disposition
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Motion For Deferred Disposition Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Juvenile Court Statewide.
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Tags: Motion For Deferred Disposition, JU 07.1300, Washington Statewide, Juvenile Court
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _______________________ JUVENILE COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON v. No: Respondent(s). D.O.B.: Motion for Deferred Disposition (MT) I. Motion 1.1 The respondent above-named, by and through his/her attorney, pursuant to RCW 13.40.127, hereby moves the court for an Order of Deferred Disposition in the above-captioned case. II. Basis 2.1 This motion is based upon the following: (a) This case is not currently set for trial, or this motion is being filed at least fourteen (14) days before commencement of trial. The motion is being filed less than 14 days before the beginning of the trial, the respondent requests waiver for good cause. (b) (c) (d) 2.2 Dated: No currently charged offense is either a sex offense or a violent offense. The respondent's criminal history includes no felonies and includes no more than one (1) prior adjudication. The respondent has not had a prior deferred disposition or deferred adjudication. The respondent consents to a deferred disposition and the court has consulted with the respondent's parent(s) or legal guardian. Respectfully submitted: Attorney for Respondent Type or Print Name/Bar Number MOTION FOR DEFERRED DISP (MT) - Page 1 of 1 WPF JU 07.1300 (06/2012) - RCW 13.40.127 American LegalNet, Inc.