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Added Activities - For Snack Bars Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Liquor Control Board Statewide.
Tags: Added Activities - For Snack Bars, LIQ 862, Washington Statewide, Liquor Control Board
Licensing and Regulation PO Box 43098 Olympia WA 98504-3098 Phone: 360 664-1600 Fax: 360 753-2710 License Number UBI Number Trade Name ADDED ACTIVITIES FOR SNACK BARS Added Activities Processing Information 1. Please answer all sections of this form. An incomplete form cannot be processed. 2. Submit this form and any required documents to the above address. 3. The section Adding an Outside Service Area to an Existing Liquor License* requires additional documents to be submitted with this form. Note: *If you are an existing liquor licensee adding an outside service area please direct your questions to Customer Service at 360-664-1600. 4. Please contact your city or county officials directly to obtain their required street use activity permits. Do you want any of these activities? Live Music/DJ Music Dancing Karaoke Comedy Shows Outside Service Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Outside service area Yes No The area must be enclosed with 42" permanent barriers such as ropes and stanchions, railings or fences. Adding an outside service area to an existing liquor license (see #3 in Processing Information above) Yes No If Yes submit two sets of floor plans showing the existing premise with a doorway that leads from the inside of the premise into the outside service area. Professional blueprints are not required. The plan does not have to be to scale. After hours Yes No The sale, service and consumption of alcohol are prohibited by law between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Other: Which nights are you open between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. without the sale of alcohol? (This form is continued on the back page.) LIQ862 7/15 American LegalNet, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Added Activities for Snack Bars Golf course service Yes No Allows you to serve alcohol on the golf course. Service may be from a building or golf cart. People serving the alcohol must be 21 years of age or older. You must own or have leasehold right the course area. Bowling concourse service Yes No Allows you to serve alcohol in the bowling concourse area. You must own or have leasehold rights to the real property. Print Name: Signature: Print Title: (for example, sole proprietor, corporate officer, partner, LLC manager or member.) Date: Phone: E-mail ( )�( )-( ) LIQ862 7/15 American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2