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Certificate of Nonparticipating Manufacturer Regarding Quarterlyl Escrow Payment Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Office Of The Attorney General Statewide.
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Tags: Certificate of Nonparticipating Manufacturer Regarding Quarterlyl Escrow Payment, Washington Statewide, Office Of The Attorney General
Washington Certificate of Nonparticipating
Manufacturer Regarding Quarterly Escrow Payment
Part 1: Manufacturer’s identification
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
City, state, country, ZIP: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Electronic mail address:________________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Liability quarter/year
Complete only one year of liability on this form.
6. The liability quarter/year for this certificate is: __________________________
Part 3: Units sold
7. Number of individual cigarettes and roll-your own sold by the manufacturer identified above
during the liability year bearing Washington cigarette tax stamps is as follows:
4: Deposit amount
The rates listed below are the yearly base rates.
For the liability year:
1999 (for after May 18, 1999 only), the rate per cigarette is….0.0094241
2000, the rate per cigarette is ...........................……………….0.0104712
2001, through 2002, the rate per cigarette is ……….…..….…0.0136125
2003, through 2006, the rate per cigarette is .………….……..0.0167539
2007 and thereafter, the rate per cigarette is .....………………0.0188482
*8. Multiply Line 7 by 0.0188482 (2011 yearly base rate) and enter the amount in line 8:
Note: Attach a copy of your receipt or other proof of deposit from your financial institution as well as a copy of the escrow agreement
between you and the institution.
Part 5: Financial institution
9. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
City, state, country, ZIP: _______________________________________________________________________________________
10. Escrow account number _____________________________ Total amount held in this account $_____________________________
Part 6: Signature
Under penalties of perjury, I state that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information contained in this certificate is true and accurate.
This document must be signed and dated by an authorized notary public.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this ________ day of ___________________, 2011
Signature of Notary Public
Print the name of authorized agent
Signature of authorized agent
City / State: _______________________________________
My commission expires ________/__________/__________
* The cumulative inflation adjustment is calculated pursuant to Exhibit C of the MSA.
This completed form must be filed with the Washington Attorney General’s Office no later than April 15, 2011 for the 1st quarter of
calendar year 2011. The form should be sent to either the following mailing address or if by courier, to our geographical address:
Attorney General’s Office
Revenue Division
PO Box 40123
Olympia, WA 98504-0123
Attorney General’s Office
Revenue Division
7141 Cleanwater Drive SW
Tumwater, WA 98501
American LegalNet, Inc.