Small Claims Judgment
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Small Claims Judgment Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
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Tags: Small Claims Judgment, MISC 05.0500, Washington Statewide, Small Claims
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF __________________________COUNTY WASHINGTON NO. Plaintiff, vs. SMALL CL AIMS JUDGMENT Defendant. This matter was heard in open court on the date stated below. Pursuant to Trial Default Dismissal With Prejudice Without Prejudice Mediation Agreement The court, having considered all the evidence presented, does hereby ORDER, ADJUGE AND DECREE that a judgment is hereby granted to the plaintiff(s) against the defendant(s) as set out below: PRINCIPAL $ ________________ TOTAL JUDGMENT $ _____________________ FILING FEE $ ________________ POST JUDGMENT INTEREST RATE _______________% SERVICE FEE $ ________________ The claim of the plaintiff is hereby denied and no judgment shall be entered in favor of the plaintiff. Explanation of decision: NOTE: If Judgment is not paid within thirty (30) days from today, the Plaintiff can notify the clerk. For a fee, a Judgment Transcript shall be availablfrome the Clerks Office. Thereafter, reasonable costs and attorney fees are allowed in enforcing the Judgment. DATED: ____________________________________ D ISTRICT COURT JUDGE Small Claims Judgment - Page 1 of 1 MISC 05.0500 (6/2004) RCW 12.40.080