Request For Redaction Of Personal Identifiers
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Request For Redaction Of Personal Identifiers Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Request For Redaction Of Personal Identifiers, CIV-021, West Virginia Federal, District Court
USDC /CIV-021 (Rev. 10/10) Request for Redaction of Personal Identifiers UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA AT v. CASE NUMBER REQUEST FOR REDACTION OF PERSONAL IDENTIFIERS 1 It is hereby requested that an official transcript filed herein be redacted as follows: Date official transcript filed with the Clerk of Court: ___________________________________ Court reporter or transcriber: ______________________________________________________ Date(s) of proceeding: ___________________________________________________________ Type of proceeding: _____________________________________________________________ Amendments to the F R of Civ P and F R of Cr P effective December 1, 2007, implement the E-Government Act of 2002's requirement to protect the privacy and security of publicly available electronic filings and provide that personal identification information be redacted from documents filed with the court as follows: individuals' Social Security numbers, names of minor children, financial account numbers, dates of birth, and, in criminal cases, home addresses. Redaction requests beyond the scope of the rules must be made as a motions. 1 American LegalNet, Inc. USDC /CIV-021 (Rev. 10/10) Request for Redaction of Personal Identifiers Requested redactions (e.g. Social Security number on page 12, line 9 to read XXX-XX-6789): Insert additional pages as necessary. Date: ___________________________ __________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. USDC /CIV-021 (Rev. 10/10) Request for Redaction of Personal Identifiers CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE G I hereby certify that on ____________________________, I electronically served the foregoing request on the parties in this matter using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification to the following (include court reporter): G I hereby certify that on ____________________________, I mailed a copy of the foregoing request by United States Mail to the following non-CM/ECF participants: Date: ___________________________ __________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.