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Application For Renewal Of Dealers Registration Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in Blue Sky Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Renewal Of Dealers Registration, 16, West Virginia Secretary Of State, Blue Sky
West Virginia State Auditor’s Office
Glen B. Gainer III, State Auditor
Form 16: Application for Renewal of Dealer's Registration
Name of Dealer ________________________________________________________________ BD#________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________________________State ________ Zip ______________________
Telephone _________________________________
Name of person to contact for further information ____________________________________________________
Telephone _________________________________
Address, if different from dealer ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Briefly describe type of securities to be sold ____________________________________________________________________________________________
All securities offered for sale in West Virginia during the past fiscal year have qualified for sale or exempted under the provisions
of Article 3, Section 32-3-301, of the Code, of West Virginia, as amended 1974, Regulating and Supervising the Sale of Securities.
Exceptions, if any, list as EXHIBIT #1.
All material changes affecting this dealership, since last resignation, have either been furnished, or are included herewith, such
as amendments to the Charter, By-Laws, Agreement, etc., or attached as EXHIBIT #2.
A Schedule "A" of Form BD listing the current officers of this dealership is attached as EXHIBIT #3
Form U-4, covering _______ salespersons, if any, for which license renewal is requested and a check for the renewal fee of $65.00
each is enclosed.
An Audited Income Statement and Balance Sheet is enclosed unless previously filed since last registration or renewal date. If filed,
give date. If not, attach as
The date our fiscal year ends is _________________________________.
No officer, employee or salesperson has been charged with a felony or violation of any securities law or rule or regulation of any
securities exchange or the NASD Inc., within the past year except: (Explain the violation and disposition.) __________________
If more space needed, file EXHIBIT #5
As a condition for renewal of this dealership "I/We do hereby agree to permit the examination of our books, records, and any other
information requested, during normal business hours, by the Commissioner of Securities of West Virginia, and/or his appointed
agent(s), as authorized under Section 32-2-203(d) of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended 1974. The undersigned does
solemnly swear that the foregoing statements, attachments and/or exhibits and forms, are true, accurate and complete to the
best of my knowledge, and agrees to abide by the West Virginia Securities Laws, Rules and Regulations.
(Corporate Seal) Print Name: _______________________________________
Signed: ________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the County of_____________________________________ State of _________________,
this the _____________ day of _____________________.
(Notary Seal) ____________________________________________________
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ____________________
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