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Registration Statement Of Charitable Organizations Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in Charitable Organization And Professional Fundraisers Secretary Of State.
Tags: Registration Statement Of Charitable Organizations, CHR-1, West Virginia Secretary Of State, Charitable Organization And Professional Fundraisers
FEE: $15(if raised less than $1,000,000) per year $50(if raised more than $1,000,000) per year Are you required to register? All charitable organizations that intend to receive contributions from the public, government grants & private foundations within West Virginia are required to file an annual registration statement with the Secretary of State unless it meets one of the exceptions below: Exceptions:1. Charities intending to receive funds of less than $25,000, but only if the charity does not have a professional fund-raising counsel/solicitor. (If charity receives more than $25,000, it must register); 2. Accredited educational institutions and auxiliary associations, foundations and support groups responsible to the educational institute; 3. Persons requesting funds solely for one individual specified by name when 100% of collections go to that individual; 4. Nonprofit charitable hospitals and licensed nursing homes; 5. Organizations that solicit only with its participating (voting) membership; 6. Churches or religious organizations that are an integral part of churches that are exempt from filing IRS Form 990 under provisions of 26 USC 2476033; and 7. Any person, firm, corporation or organization that holds a single fund-raising event for the benefit of a named charity that registered. How to register.1. Complete registration statement (or unified registration statement plus West Virginia supplement); 2. Provide IRS Tax determination letter; 3. Provide a copy of your most recent IRS Form 990; 990 EZ; or 990-N. If your organization files a Form 990-N they will be required to complete the Computation of Fundraising Percentage Form provided by our office; 4. Provide balance sheet and financial statement audited by an independent certified public accountant, if your organization receives more than $500,000 from all sources except government grants and grants from private foundations. If your organization receives more than $200,000 but less than $500,000 a statement of financial review by a certified public accountant will need to be provided. [Changes effective June 4, 2015.]5. Copies of current contracts with professional fundraising counsel and professional solicitors (unless they are already on file); 6. Registration fees: (a) $15 if raised less than $1,000,000 (b) $50 if raised more than $1,000,000 Late fees of $25 for each month, or part of a month, that the registration is filed after due date. (Extensions may be requested in writing.) Important Note: This form is a public document. Please do NOT provide any personal identifiable information on this form such as social security number, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, tax identification or driver222s license numbers. FILE ONE ORIGINAL (Two if you want a filed stamped copy returned to you.)West Virginia Secretary of State Charities Division One Stop Business Center 1615 East Washington Street Charleston, WV 25311 Tel: (304)558-8000 Fax: (304)558-8381 Website: Email: REGISTRATION STATEMENT OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS Form CHR-1 Rev. 5/2018 American LegalNet, Inc. 1 WEST VIRGINIA REGISTRATION STATEMENTOF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONRegistration Type: New Renewal Final Date 1.Official Name of Organization 2. Street AddressCity3. Mailing Address Zip Code State County City4.Phone Fax Email 5.Principal West Virginia address if different from above6.Designated contact person Phone: 7. Purpose of the organization:8.Name, address and respon- sible person of each chapter,branch or affiliate in the State, if any:9. Are the above chapters, branches or affiliates includedin parent organization222s registration?Check one:Yes No 10.11.List all names under which applicant intends to use if different from official name, if any:contributions will be used:12.13b.Place and date the organization was legally established:The form of the organizationCorporation Foundation UnincorporatedAssociation(check or complete as applicable)TrustOther14a. Has the organization been determined to be tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service?Yes Type of IRS classification: 501(c)No (Place)(Date)Is your organization an endowment-based organization?13a.YesNo State the purposes for whichCounty StateZip Code Form CHR-1 Rev. 3/8/2018 American LegalNet, Inc. 2 14b.Has this exemption been denied,revoked or modified at any time?Yes If "Yes," attach copy of letter of decision.No14c.Please check one or more fundraising methods the organization anticipates using.Telephone AppealsGrant WritingDirect mailSpecial EventsDoor to Door Solicitation Combined Appeals AuctionBingo/RaffleOther15.Namesandaddressesofallofficers,direc-tors,trusteesandtheprincipalsalariedex-ecutivestaff:[Allcharitableorganizationsmustappointanindependentgoverningboardtooverseeexpenditures,policies,progressandpurposes.]16.Name and address of professional fundraisingcounsel and/or solicitor used for fundraising activities in West Virginia.a. Are current contracts with professional fundraising counsel and solicitors on file with the Office of the Secretary of State as required by West Virginia law?b. Has the professional fund-raising counsel or professional solicitor registered and filed a bond with the Office of the Secretary of State as required by West Virginia Law?Yes No Yes No c. Give the location of any telephone facilties to be used in solicitation:(Room No.) (Street Address)d. Give the location and address of anymailing facility to be used in the solicitation of funds: (Zip)(State) (City) (Street Address and Box Number)(Zip)(State) (City) WEST VIRGINIA REGISTRATION STATEMENT OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION American LegalNet, Inc. during the same period: $ 3 17.Is the organization authorized to solicit by any other state? If yes, please list four (4) other states:Yes No1. the organization ever been enjoined by any court, or otherwise prevented by any governmental body, from soliciting contributions in any state? (If "Yes," explain in detail on separate sheet)Yes No19.Give names and addresses for the chief person responsible forthe following duties:a. Custodian offinancial records:b. Custodian of contributions:c. Person(s) makingfinal distribution: proposed to be raisedin West Virginia (estimate): $ Actual amount of funds raisedin West Virginia last fiscal yearAmount disbursed for program services in West Virginia during $the period covered by this report: (Please estimate -- if left blank, a$0 will be entered) $ Amount disbursed for program services outside West VirginiaThe license number of the raffle, bingo or other state permit used for fund-raising if any:25.Computation of Fundraising PercentageFundraising Expenses Income Derived From Fundraising= %Percentage26.How much did organization receive from government grants? $ or private foundations during last year? $$ 367 WEST VIRGINIA REGISTRATION STATEMENT OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION American LegalNet, Inc. 4 CERTIFICATIONWe the undersigned, being duly authorized to act on behalf of the applicant, do hereby certify that the information furnished in this registration is true and correct to the best of our knowl- edge, information and belief.Authorized Officer:Date Signature Title Type or Print Name of Applicant: , County ofState of Subscribed and sworn before me this day of, Notary PublicMy commission expires Chief Fiscal Officer:Type or Print Name of Applicant: State of, County of. , ofday Subscribed and sworn before me this Notary PublicMy commission expires . Title Signature Date Return the completed application and filing fee made payable to "West Virginia Secretary of State" to: West Virginia Secretary of State Charities Division One Stop Business Center 1615 East Washington Street Charleston, WV 25311WEST VIRGINIA REGISTRATION STATEMENT OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION American LegalNet, Inc.