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Application For Wine Supplier License Non Retail Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in Alcohol Beverage Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Application For Wine Supplier License Non Retail, West Virginia Statewide, Alcohol Beverage Control Commission
State of West Virginia
Department of Revenue
Alcohol Beverage Control Administration
322 70th Street, SE
Charleston, WV 25304-2900
General Information - Please read all instructions carefully. All questions are to be answered in full. Your
accuracy and thoroughness in completing the application form will assist us in processing the application and
preventing unnecessary delays.
2. False representations made in application or failure to comply with chapter 60 of the West Virginia Code (State Code
of Alcoholic Liquors) and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder may result in denial, revocation, or
suspension of the license.
3. Any person holding any interest in a Wine Supplier, West Virginia Licensed Wine Distributor, or West Virginia Farm
Winery may not hold any interest in a retail wine establishment or a private wine license.
4. Any person holding any interest in a West Virginia Distillery or a West Virginia Mini-Distillery may not hold any interest
in a retail liquor, private club, or private wine restaurant establishment.
5. Licensing Periods:
Wine Supplier, Wine Distributor, Farm Winery, and Direct Shipper license periods begin July 1 and end June 30
of each year.
Distillery and Mini Distillery license periods begin January 1 and end December 31 of each year.
6. License fees must be paid by certified check, cashier’s check, company check, or money order payable to the
West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration. Personal checks will not be accepted.
If the license for a Wine Supplier, Wine Distributor, or Direct Shipper is issued for less than a full year, the fee
may be prorated as follows:
License Application Submitted
License Fee
July 1 through June 30
January 1 through June 30
Full License Fee
½ of License Fee
7. Documents which must accompany application:
If an Association – a copy of the Certificate of Authority and Agreement of Association
If a Limited Liability Corporation – a copy of the Certificate of Authority and Articles of Organization
If a Corporation – a copy of the Certificate of Authority and Articles of Organization
A copy of the applicant’s federal basic permit, as required under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act
A copy of West Virginia business license registration
If out-of-state entity, a copy of current ABC license from state of domicile
A Letter of Good Standing from the WV State Tax Department and if an out-of-state entity, a letter of good
standing from the state of domicile (Forms to request a Letter of Good Standing from WV are included)
• If applying as a resident Distillery or Mini Distillery–submit copies of all documents which have been submitted to
the Trade Tax Bureau (TTB), along with documentation of the inspection report and approval
American LegalNet, Inc.
8. The application must be signed as follows and all signatures must be notarized:
If an individual, by the owner.
If a Partnership/Limited Partnership, all partners
If an Association, all members
If a Corporation, president or vice president
If a Limited Liability Corporation, all members if member managed/manager if manager managed
9. A farm winery license shall be issued only to, or held by, an applicant qualified to operate or who is operating a winery
or wine cellar bonded under the laws and regulations of the United States. Form and instructions are available
by calling the toll-free number at 800-937-8864 or available through download at the following
10. All applicants must apply for a “Special Occupation Tax (TTB F 5630.5a)” with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau. Form and instructions are available by calling the toll-free number at 800-937-8864 or available
through download at the following website:
11. Wine Supplier & Distributor Bonds – Please see bond instructions for proper completion.
Wine Suppliers – Applicants must complete bond form ABCC-WS-3-B in the amount of $10,000.
Wine Distributors – Applicants must complete bond form ABCC-WX-1-B in the amount of $10,000.
12. Direct Shippers must provide a list of brands that are to be shipped into West Virginia. Upon review of the list, if
brands are not registered with the Commission, it is the responsibility of the Direct Shipper to register said
West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration
ATTN: Wine Licensing
322 70 Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304-2900
1-800-642-8208 OR (304) 558-2481 8:30AM-4:30PM EST AND ASK FOR WINE LICENSING.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Form ABCC-WS-3
Revised 02/11
Licensing Period: __________to ___________
Applying As:
Ltd. Partnership
Ltd. Liability Corp.
License Number: ________________________
West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration
322 70 Street, SE Charleston, WV 25304-2900
Non-Retail Liquor and Wine License Application
Wine Supplier
Mini Distillery
Farm Winery
Multi Capacity
Wine Distributor
Direct Wine Shipper
Questions 1 - 16
Questions 1 -16
Questions 1-16
Questions 1-16
Questions 1-16
Questions 1-16
Questions 1-16
License Fee $150
License Fee $1,500
Sections I & III
Sections I & III
License Fee $300
Sections I & II
License Fee $50
License Fee $50
License Fee:
$150 to ship < 14% Alc. Cont.
$250 to ship > 14% Alc. Cont.
License Fee $2,500
1. Business Entity Name ________________________________________ 2. FEIN __________________________________
3. Business DBA Name _________________________________________ 4. Telephone _____________________________
5. Business Physical Address _____________________________________________________________________________
6. Business Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________
7. Email ______________________________________________________
8. Contact Person ________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________
9. Has applicant or any officer been:
a. Convicted of a felony? When ____________________ If yes, attach written explanation.
b. Convicted of a violation of federal or state alcohol laws? If yes, attach written explanation.
c. Convicted of a criminal offense (misdemeanor) within the last 5 years? If yes, attach explanation.
d. Refused any type of alcohol license or permit in any state? State ________ If yes, attach explanation.
10. Has applicant or any officer had:
a. A hearing before the WVABCA Commissioner? If yes, attach written explanation.
b. Any type of WVABCA license or permit sanctioned? If yes, attach written explanation.
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
11. Has applicant been refused any type of alcohol license or permit in any state?
If yes, attach written explanation.
12. Does applicant, officers, directors or any blood relative hold any real estate, buildings, or equipment used by
any WV retail licensee? If yes, attach a written explanation and provide name, address and interest.
Yes No
13. Does applicant, partner, member, stockholder, director, or any blood relative hold any interest in a licensed
retailer in West Virginia? If yes, attach a written explanation and provide name, address and interest.
Yes No
14. Date and state your business incorporate or organized ______________________________________________________
Please include corporate charter or organization papers
15. If non-resident business, date of certificate of authority to do business in WV _____________________________________
Please include copy of certificate of authority
16. Supply the following information about the owners, officers, directors and manager:
Title _______________________________
Title _______________________________
Title ______________________________
Name ______________________________
Name ______________________________
Name _____________________________
Res. Address ________________________
Res. Address ________________________
Res. Address _______________________
Telephone __________________________
Telephone __________________________
Telephone _________________________
% Ownership _______ DOB ____________
% Ownership _______ DOB ___________
% Ownership _______ DOB __________
WV Resident Y / N US CITIZEN* Y / N
WV Resident Y / N US CITIZEN* Y / N
WV Resident Y / N US CITIZEN* Y / N
Use a separate sheet, if necessary.
* If not a native US citizen, please attach a written explanation of when and where naturalized.
American LegalNet, Inc.
SECTION I: To be completed by Wine Distributors, Farm Wineries, and Mini Distilleries.
A. County which business is located _________________________________
B. Does the applicant own the premises to be licensed? Yes No
If no, does applicant hold a valid lease? Yes No Expiration date of lease _______________________________
Property owner name/address _______________________________________________________________________
C. Do the premises to be licensed conform to health, fire and zoning regulations? Yes No
SECTION II: To be completed by Wine Distributors.
A. Has applicant entered into any exclusive franchise agreement with a manufacturer, producer, processor, distributor, or
supplier of wine whereby the applicant has been given the exclusive right within West Virginia or any given territory within
West Virginia to distribute the product(s) of such manufacturer, producer, processor, distributor or supplier which are to
be sold or distributed in West Virginia? Yes No
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________
SECTION III: To be completed by Farm Wineries and Mini Distilleries.
A. Annual productive capacity is ______________________________ gallons.
B. Is applicant, directly or indirectly, by means of signs, equipment, money, property or otherwise, giving aid to assistance to
the holder of any retail beer or intoxicating liquor permit issued by the authority of this State? Yes No
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________
C. Does applicant own or control any real or personal property, which is rented, leased or used by the holder of any retail
beer or intoxicating liquor permit issued by the authority of this State? Yes No
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________
D. Is your place of business in a section zoned by a county or municipality? Yes No If so, state district ___________
E. Give number and classification of former beer, wine, and spirituous liquor permits, if any.__________________________
F. Name nearest church or school and state distance in feet therefrom: __________________________________________
G. Is place of business located in business, residential or rural neighborhood? ____________________________________
Should the applicant fail to fully carry out and fulfill in every respect the laws of West Virginia, then the Commissioner shall have the right to terminate or revoke
this license or permit and declare forfeited the penalty of the bond (if a bond is required for the selected license type). However, it is agreed and understood by
and between the parties hereto that before such bond shall be forfeited a hearing shall be held in the Office of the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control
Commissioner in the city of Charleston, West Virginia, after ten (10) days written notice to the applicant, setting forth the charge and the time and place of
hearing thereon said notice shall be served the applicant by registered mail at the address hereinabove set forth.
Instructions for signing:
If an individual, by the owner.
If a Partnership/Limited Partnership, all partners
If an Association, all members
If a Corporation, president or vice president
If a Limited Liability Corporation, all members if member managed/manager if manager managed
NOTE: All changes in ownership interest during the license year must be reported immediately to the WV ABCA Commissioner.
STATE OF ____________________,
COUNTY OF __________________, to wit:
In support of the foregoing application, the undersigned makes oath that the statements contained herein and all attachments are
true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.
Date _____________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Title _________________
Date _____________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Title _________________
Date _____________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Title _________________
Date _____________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Title _________________
Given under my hand and official seal this_______ day of _________________________,___________.
Signature of Notary Public
Commission Expires
Seal of Notary
American LegalNet, Inc.
State of West Virginia
Department of Revenue
Alcohol Beverage Control Administration
322 70th Street, SE
Charleston, WV 25304-2900
Every person, company, or corporation intending to do business in West Virginia must register
with the West Virginia State Tax Department. Additionally, corporations, limited partnerships and
limited liability companies must register with the West Virginia Secretary of State.
Please consult with the appropriate person (s) in your organization about compliance with the
business registration requirements in West Virginia. Should further assistance be necessary, you may
contact the following sources for registration information:
West Virginia State Tax Department
Taxpayer Services Division
P.O. Box 3784
Charleston, WV 25337-3784
(304) 558-3333 or
Secretary of State
Corporations Division
Capitol Complex
Building 1, Room 151
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25305
(304) 558-8000
American LegalNet, Inc.
American LegalNet, Inc.