Notice Of Bond Encumbrance
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Notice Of Bond Encumbrance Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in General Court Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Bond Encumbrance, 8, West Virginia Statewide, General Court
IN THE ____________ COURT OF ____________________ COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA IN THE MATTER OF : ________________________________________ Civil Action No. ________________________________________ ______-______-______ ________________________________________ Minor(s) Under the Age of 18 Years NOTICE OF BOND ENCUMB R ANCE TAKE NOTICE that the following person(s) has/have encumbered the hereinafter described property upon a surety bond before the ____________ Court of __________________ County, West Virginia. The same constitutes a lien upon said property. Surety of bond: _______________________________________________________
_________ [name(s) of property owner(s)] Description of property: ______________________________________________
___________ [Include reference to Deed Book and Page Number, acreage, lot number, etc.] Amount of surety provided: $_____________________________________________________ Given under my hand this ______ day of __________________, 20______. __________________________________________ C ircuit Clerk Infant Guardianship Form 8 / 6-04