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Prevailing Wage Request Form. This is a West Virginia form and can be use in Workforce Statewide.
Tags: Prevailing Wage Request, West Virginia Statewide, Workforce
Please Return to:
WORKFORCE West Virginia
Alien Labor Certification - 5204
112 California Avenue
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
Phone: (304) 558-5050
Fax: (304) 558-6446
Please Check One:
❍ Permanent
❍ H – 1B
Employment Service Program
❍ H–2B
❍ H –1 B1
❍ E-3
Prevailing Wage Request
Alien Employment Certification
1. Name and Address of Organization Requesting Wage
Telephone Number
Fax Number
E-mail Address:
2. Area of Intended Employment
(including city (county) and zip code)
3. Nature of Employer’s Business Activity
5. Is the job opportunity covered by a union contract? □ Yes
4. Alien’s Job Title
□ No
6. Job Description (Describe fully the job duties to be performed (attach additional sheets if necessary))
7. State in detail the minimum education, training and experience for a worker to perform satisfactorily the job duties described above.
Grade School
High School
College Degree Required (Specify)
(Enter # of years)
8. Other Special Requirements/Working
Major Field of Study
No. Years
Job Offered
No. Months
Types of Training
Related Occupation (Specify)
9. Job Title of Alien’s Immediate Supervisor
10. No. of employees alien will supervise
Tracking #
Date of Request
Date Provided
Provided by:
Prevailing Wage
Wage Level
Wage Source
$ Annual
Dauree’ E. Coleman
OES 7/2007-6/2008
NOTE: This prevailing wage determination is valid for filing applications and attestations for at least 90 days and not more than a year
from the date of determination.
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Rev. 04/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.
(To be completed by Employer or Employer Representative)
Please check (√) the type of work visa in the upper right corner of the form.
Item 1. Name of Organization Requesting Wage. Enter the employer or employer’s representative requesting the
prevailing wage determination. This includes the requestor’s name, telephone number; fax number, e-mail address
(if applicable) and complete mailing address.
Item 2. Area of Intended Employment. Enter the county where majority of work will be performed. The workplace address
should include city (county) and zip code.
Item 3. Nature of Employee’s Business Activity. Enter a brief non-technical description of the employer’s business
activity, i.e., retail trade, software industry, biotechnology, university, financial institution, hospital, and community
service organization, including profit and non-profit status.
Item 4. Alien’s Job Title of Position to be Filled. Enter the common name of the payroll title for the job being offered. If
known, include the O*NET-SOC code.
Item 5. Mark YES or NO whether the job opportunity is covered by a union contract.
Item 6. Job Description. The US Department of Labor requires that the description begin on the form. Fill in the space
provided on the form before continuing on an attachment. The form will be returned without a wage if this
requirement is not met.
The Job description should not be copied verbatim from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system or
any other source.
Fully describe the duties of the job offered. The job will be analyzed and categorized based on the employer’s job
description. Enough information must be given so that an analyst can determine the occupational category and the
skill level within that category. Elements such as work tasks, work activities, equipment used, work environment,
working conditions, complexity of the job duties, level of judgment or understanding required to perform the job,
amount and nature of supervision received, and supervisory responsibilities are considered in defining the job’s
occupational category, skill level and, eventually, the prevailing wage rate for the labor market area.
For job requiring supervisory duties, describe the activities the worker will supervise, the extent and authority to hire,
fire, train, schedule, and evaluate. If applicable, quantify the amount of time the supervisor will spend performing
work duties similar to the workers supervised.
Item 7. Minimum Qualifications. State in detail the minimum education, training, and experience required for this job. If no
education and/or experience is required, enter none.
Item 8. Other Special Requirements. List any special requirements or working conditions that would affect the rate of pay.
Item 9. Job Title of Alien’s Immediate Supervisor. Enter the occupational title of the alien’s immediate supervisor. (Not
the supervisor’s name)
Item 10.Number of Workers Alien will supervise. Enter the number of employees that the alien will supervise.
If none, please enter zero (0)
Determinations will be returned via FAX unless otherwise requested.
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Rev. 04/2008
American LegalNet, Inc.