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Brief Cover Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Brief Cover, CA-150, Wisconsin Court Of Appeals,
STATE OF WISCONSIN, COURT OF APPEALS, DISTRICT ) ,) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,) ) ) For Official Use (party designation) -vs- Brief Cover (party designation) Case No. COUNTY, , PRESIDING ON APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE HONORABLE (name of Judge) BRIEF OF * Name: State Bar No., if applicable: Address: Telephone No.: BRIEF COVERS, FRONT AND BACK, MUST BE THE FOLLOWING COLORS: Appellant's Brief: BLUE Respondent's Brief: RED Reply Brief: GRAY Separate Appendix: WHITE * STATE THE PARTY'S STATUS in the circuit court and in the appellate court (e.g., Plaintiff-Appellant, Defendant-Appellant, Plaintiff-Respondent, etc.). CA-150, 7/15 Brief Cover �809.19(9), Wisconsin Statutes American LegalNet, Inc. Brief Cover Page 2 of 4 CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I certify that this brief or appendix was deposited in the United States mail for delivery to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals by first-class mail, or other class of mail that is at least as expeditious, on (date of mailing) . I further certify that the brief or appendix was correctly addressed and postage was pre-paid. Date: Signature OR CERTIFICATION OF THIRD-PARTY COMMERCIAL DELIVERY I certify that on (date of delivery to carrier) , this brief or appendix was delivered to a third-party commercial carrier for delivery to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals within 3 calendar days. I further certify that the brief or appendix was correctly addressed. Date: Signature: NOTE: You may also file an affidavit of mailing or delivery, setting forth the same information. See �809.80(4), Wis. Stats. CA-150, 7/15 Brief Cover �809.19(9), Wisconsin Statutes American LegalNet, Inc. Brief Cover Page 3 of 4 FORM AND LENGTH CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this brief conforms to the rules contained in �809.19(8)(b) and (c) for a brief produced with a [choose one] monospaced or proportional serif font. The length of this brief is ___________ pages [if a monospaced font is used] or ____________ words [if a proportional serif font is used]. Date: Signature: Notes: This form and length certification must be included at the end of each brief. See also Wis. Stat. � (Rule) 809.50(4), 809.51(4) and 809.62(4) for additional form and length requirements. Examples of fonts acceptable under �809.19(8)(b): A monospaced font must be 10 characters per inch; double-spaced; a 1.5 inch margin on the left side and 1 inch margins on all other sides. This font is Courier New-12. A proportional serif font must have a minimum printing resolution of 200 dots per inch, 13 point body text, 11 point for quotes and footnotes, leading of a minimum 2 points, maximum of 60 characters per full line of body text. This font is Times New Roman, 13 point. CA-150, 7/15 Brief Cover �809.19(9), Wisconsin Statutes American LegalNet, Inc. Brief Cover Page 4 of 4 APPELLANT'S BRIEF APPENDIX CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that filed with this brief, either as a separate document or as a part of this brief, is an appendix that complies with s. 809.19(2)(a) and that contains, at a minimum: (1) a table of contents; (2) the findings or opinion of the circuit court; and (3) portions of the record essential to an understanding of the issues raised, including oral or written rulings or decisions showing the circuit court's reasoning regarding those issues. I further certify that if this appeal is taken from a circuit court order or judgment entered in a judicial review of an administrative decision, the appendix contains the findings of fact and conclusions of law, if any, and final decision of the administrative agency. I further certify that if the record is required by law to be confidential, the portions of the record included in the appendix are reproduced using one or more initials or other appropriate pseudonym or designation instead of full names of persons, specifically including juveniles and parents of juveniles, with a notation that the portions of the record have been so reproduced to preserve confidentiality and with appropriate references to the record. Date: Signature: Note: Note: This certification must be appended to the appendix. An appendix certification is also required if a respondent or cross-appellant files a supplemental appendix (809.19(3)(b) and 809.19(6)(f)). CA-150, 7/15 Brief Cover �809.19(9), Wisconsin Statutes American LegalNet, Inc.