Motion to File Documents Under Seal Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Motion to File Documents Under Seal Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in USBC Eastern Federal.
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Tags: Motion to File Documents Under Seal, Wisconsin Federal, USBC Eastern
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN In re Debtors. Chapter Case No. MOTION TO FILE DOCUMENTS UNDER SEAL __________________________ (Movant), by and through [his her their its] undersigned counsel, hereby moves the Court for entry of an Order authorizing Movant to file under seal [describe whether certain pleadings, exhibits, portions of pleadings], and respectfully represents: 1. The Debtor filed a voluntary petition on ______________ under Chapter ___ of the Bankruptcy Code. [generally describe any adversary proceeding or contested matter to which the request to seal pertains] 2. Movant seeks to file __________________ under seal because [describe reason for confidentiality]. 3. [Describe extent of seal requested, i.e., whether document should be accessible only to the Court, or if other parties should be permitted access. Describe whether the seal should be permanent, or whether the reasons for maintaining the confidentiality of the documents might lapse at a future date. If appropriate, describe that a redacted form of the document has been filed, and that Movant seeks to file the unredacted form under seal.] 4. In accordance with the Court's CM/ECF procedures, Movant has separately filed the documents with access restricted to Court users only. Movant acknowledges and American LegalNet, Inc. understands that if this Motion is not granted, Movant will have the opportunity to withdraw the document before the public is given access to the document. WHEREFORE, after notice and a hearing if necessary and appropriate, ____________ respectfully requests that the Court enter an Order permitting ____________ to file the abovedescribed documents under seal. Date: ___________________________________ (Name and Address of Attorneys for Movant) 2 American LegalNet, Inc.