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Exhibit And Witness List Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in USBC Western Federal.
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Tags: Exhibit And Witness List, Wisconsin Federal, USBC Western
Exhibit Lis U NITED S TATES B ANKRUPTCY C OURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN In Re: EXHIBIT LIST Debtor(s) Case Number: Plaintiff(s) v. Adversary Proceeding Case Number: Defendant(s) PRESIDING JUDGE PLAINTIFF222S / DEBTOR222S ATTORNEY DEFENDANT222S / CREDITOR222S ATTORNEY TRIAL DATE (S) COURT REPORTER COURTROOM DEPUTY PLF. NO. DEF. NO. DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DESCRIPTION OF EXHIBITS* * Include a notation as to the location of any exhibit not held with the case file or not available because of size. Page 1 of Pages American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com