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Summons & Petition To Enforce Or Modify A Foreign Judgment Or Order Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Dane Local County.
Tags: Summons & Petition To Enforce Or Modify A Foreign Judgment Or Order, Wisconsin Local County, Dane
This form is intended for use by individuals who are seeking to ask the court to enforce or
modify a family judgment that was originally issued outside of Dane County, whether the
original judgment was issued by another county in Wisconsin or by another State.
1. Complete the Summons and Petition to Enforce or Modify a Foreign Judgment or Order and
the Confidential Addendum (Form GF-179).
As a general rule, we can act in Dane County if the child resides here for at least six months
for out of state orders, and thirty days for Wisconsin out of county orders. §767.281
governs jurisdiction of out of county judgments. Chapter 822 governs Interstate placement
issues. There are always exceptions. Therefore you should review the jurisdictional
requirements before you file.
2. Attach a certified copy of your original judgment to the Summons and Petition.
3. Check the appropriate boxes to modify or enforce Custody, Placement and/or support. Be
sure to state specifically, the reasons for your motion to modify or enforce.
4. Make three additional copies of all documents after you have them signed.
5. Compile the documents into complete sets.
6. Proceed with the instructions attached to the Motion packets regarding filing, fees, and
American LegalNet, Inc.
BRANCH ______
In re the case of:
Code 40601
SUMMONS (with minor children)
Case No. _______________
You are hereby notified that the petitioner named above has filed a petition to modify or
enforce a judgment against you, which is attached, stating the nature and basis of the legal
Within twenty (20) days of receiving this summons, you must respond with a written
answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of Wisconsin Statutes, to the petition. The court may
reject or disregard any written answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The
answer must be sent or delivered to this court, whose address is:
Court Commissioner Center, Dane County Courthouse, 215 S Hamilton Street, Madison, WI
and to _______________________________________________, the petitioner, whose address
is: ___________________________________________________________________________.
You may have an attorney help or represent you.
If you do not provide a proper answer within twenty (20) days, the court may grant a
Judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the Petition, and
you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Petition. A
judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien
against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment of
wages or seizure of property.
American LegalNet, Inc.
If you and the petitioner have minor children, accompanying this summons will be a
document setting forth the percentage standard for child support established by the Department
of Workforce Development under Wis. Stat. § 49.22(9), and listing the factors that a court may
consider for modification of that standard under Wis. Stat. § 767.511(1m).
You are hereby notified that if you and the petitioner have any minor children, violation
of the following criminal statutes is punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 or
imprisonment not to exceed two years (Class E felony) or both; or is punishable by a fine not to
exceed $10,000.00 or imprisonment not to exceed ten years (Class C felony) or both.
(1) (a) In this subsection, “legal custodian of a child” means:
1. A parent or other person having legal custody of the child under an order or judgment
in an action for divorce, legal separation, annulment, child custody, paternity,
guardianship or habeas corpus.
2. The department of health and family services or the department of corrections or any
person, county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 or licensed child welfare
agency, if custody of the child has been transferred under ch. 48 or 938 to that
department, person or agency.
(b) Except as provided under chs. 48 and 938, whoever intentionally causes a child to leave,
takes a child away or withholds a child for more than 12 hours beyond the courtapproved period of physical placement or visitation period from a legal custodian with
intent to deprive the custodian of his or her custody rights without the consent of the
custodian is guilty of a Class F felony. This paragraph is not applicable if the court has
entered an order authorizing the person to so take or withhold the child. The fact that
joint legal custody has been awarded to both parents by a court does not preclude a court
from finding that one parent has committed a violation of this paragraph.
(2) Whoever causes a child to leave, takes a child away or withholds a child for more than 12
hours from the child’s parents or, in the case of a nonmarital child whose parents do not
subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803, from the child’s mother or, if he has been granted
legal custody, the child’s father, without the consent of the parents, the mother or the father
with legal custody, is guilty of a Class I felony. This subsection is not applicable if legal
custody has been granted by court order to the person taking or withholding the child.
(3) Any parent, or any person acting pursuant to directions from the parent, who does any of the
following is guilty of a Class F felony:
(a) Intentionally conceals a child from the child’s other parent.
(b) After being served with process in an action affecting the family but prior to the issuance
of a temporary or final order determining child custody rights, takes the child or causes
the child to leave with intent to deprive the other parent of physical custody as defined in
s. 822.02(9).
(c) After issuance of a temporary or final order specifying joint legal custody rights and
periods of physical placement, takes a child from or causes a child to leave the other
parent in violation of the order or withholds a child for more than 12 hours beyond the
court-approved period of physical placement or visitation period.
(4) (a) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution for violation of this section if the action:
American LegalNet, Inc.
1. Is taken by a parent or by a person authorized by a parent to protect his or her child in
a situation in which the parent or authorized person reasonably believes that there is a
threat of physical harm or sexual assault to the child;
2. Is taken by a parent fleeing in a situation in which the parent reasonably believes that
there is a threat of physical harm or sexual assault to himself or herself;
3. Is consented to by the other parent or any other person or agency having legal custody
of the child; or
4. Is otherwise authorized by law.
(b) A defendant who raises an affirmative defense has the burden of proving the defense by a
preponderance of the evidence.
(5) The venue of an action under this section is prescribed in s. 971.19(8).
(6) In addition to any other penalties provided for violation of this section, a court may order a
violator to pay restitution, regardless of whether the violator is placed on probation under s.
973.09, to provide reimbursement for any reasonable expenses incurred by any person or any
governmental entity in locating and returning the child. Any such amounts paid by the
violator shall be paid to the person or governmental entity which incurred the expense on a
prorated basis. Upon the application of any interested party, the court shall hold an
evidentiary hearing to determine the amount of reasonable expenses.
You are also notified that, under Wis. Stat. § 767.105(2), you may request, and may have
to pay for, the following written information from the Court Commissioner Center:
1. The procedure for obtaining a judgment or order in this action.
2. The major issues usually addressed in such an action.
3. Community resources and family court counseling services available to assist the parties.
4. The procedure for setting, modifying and enforcing child support awards or modifying
and enforcing legal custody or physical placement judgments or orders.
5. A copy of the statutory provisions in Chapter 767 generally pertinent to this action for
inspection or purchase.
If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services because of a disability, call
266-4311 (TDD 266-9138) and ask for the court ADA coordinator.
Dated this _______ day of ____________________, 20____.
Petitioner pro se (Signature)
Full Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.
BRANCH ______
In re the marriage of:
CODE # 40601
Case No. _______________
The petitioner, being first duly sworn on oath, and appearing pro se, states as follows:
1. Petitioner’s name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: __________________________________________________________
Date of birth: __See Confidential Addendum_________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
2. Respondent’s name: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: __________________________________________________________
Date of birth: __See Confidential Addendum_________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
3. A Judgment affecting this family was entered on the _______ day of _____________,
19____ / 20____ in the State of ___________________________, County of
________________, a certified copy of which is attached.
4. There is/are ______________ minor child(ren) born of or adopted to the parties:
5. The custody information set forth on the attached form is given under oath in order to
comply with Wis. Stat. § 822.09.
American LegalNet, Inc.
6. The parties have not entered into any written agreements as to support, legal custody,
physical placement of the child(ren), maintenance of either party, or property division
other than what was made an order in the previous action.
MODIFY CUSTODY AND/OR PLACEMENT: A substantial change in
circumstances has occurred since the last order affecting custody or placement and
modification may be in the child(ren)’ best interest. In support thereof, Petitioner states
the following: (state what has changed since the last order):
MODIFY SUPPORT/MAINTENANCE: A substantial change in financial
circumstances has occurred since the last order affecting support. In support thereof,
Petitioner states the following: (state what has changed since the last order):
One of more periods of physical
placement has been ordered by the court but denied me by the other parent. (State when)
ENFORCE CUSTODY RIGHTS: I have been awarded Joint Legal Custody of our
minor child(ren) but the other parent has made major decisions regarding our child
without my consent or knowledge. (State what decision was made without your consent)
Maintenance was ordered by the court
Child Support
but have not been complied with. (State the periodic amount and the date of the last
payment): _______________________________________________________________
That the Judgment of the State of ______________________________, County of
_______________ be registered in Dane County pursuant to Wis. Stat. §767.001(1)(i) and that it
be enforced or modified pursuant to §767.281. Additionally, Petitioner requests the following
That Custody/Placement be modified according to the child’s best interest.
That Child Support/Maintenance be reviewed and modified as appropriate
American LegalNet, Inc.
That the placement schedule listed in the last court order be enforced and that the periods
of placement to which I was improperly denied be replaced with make up time.
That my Custody Rights be strictly enforced under penalty of contempt of court sanctions
That the Child Support or Maintenance which was ordered by the court be enforced and a
wage assignment be ordered.
If the court deems appropriate, that costs and expenses be awarded to petitioner.
You are hereby notified that pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 767.117, during the pendency of this
action, both parties are prohibited from and may be held in contempt of court for:
1. harassing, intimidating, physically abusing or imposing any restraint on the personal
liberty of the other party or a minor child of either of the parties;
2. encumbering, concealing, damaging, destroying, transferring or otherwise disposing of
property owned by either or both of the parties, without the consent of the other party or
an order of the court or a circuit court commissioner, except in the usual course of
business, in order to secure necessities or in order to pay reasonable costs and expenses of
the action, including attorney fees;
3. without the consent of the other party or an order of the court or a circuit court
commissioner, establishing a residence with a minor child of the parties outside the State
of Wisconsin or more than 150 miles from the residence of the other party within the
state, removing a minor child of the parties from the State of Wisconsin for more than 90
consecutive days or concealing a minor child of the parties from the other party.
Except, that a violation of paragraph (3) is not a contempt of court if the court finds that the
action was taken to protect a party or a minor child of the parties from physical abuse by the
other party and that there was no reasonable opportunity under the circumstances for the
party to obtain an order authorizing the action.
These restraining orders apply until the action is dismissed, a final judgment in the action is
entered, or the court or a circuit court commissioner orders otherwise.
A violation of the above restraining order may result in punishment for contempt,
which may include monetary penalties, imprisonment and other sanctions as provided
for in Wis. Stat. § 785.04.
Petitioner Pro Se
American LegalNet, Inc.