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Summons And Complaint - Small Claims Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Dane Local County.
Tags: Summons And Complaint - Small Claims, SC-500, Wisconsin Local County, Dane
For Official Use
Plaintiff: (Name [first, middle, last], Address, City, State, Zip)
See attached for additional plaintiffs
Summons and Complaint
Small Claims
To: Defendant(s) : (Name [first, middle, last], Address, City, State, Zip)
Case No.
See attached for additional defendants
If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court
process, please call 266-4311 (TDD 266-4625) and ask for the Court ADA Coordinator
at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court
does not provide transportation.
Claim for money ($10,000 or less)
Return of property (replevin)
Eviction due to foreclosure
Arbitration award
Return of earnest money
Tort/Personal injury ($5,000 or less)
To the Defendant(s):
You are being sued as described below. If you wish to dispute this matter:
You must appear at the time and place stated.
You must file a written answer and provide a copy to the plaintiff or
plaintiff’s attorney on or before the date and time stated.
When to Appear/File an Answer
Place to Appear/File an Answer
If you do not appear or answer, the plaintiff may win this case and a
judgment entered for what the plaintiff is asking.
Dane County Courthouse
215 South Hamilton Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703-3285
Clerk of Circuit Court Office, Room 1000
Commissioner Center, Room 2000
Information number: (608) 266-4311
Clerk/Attorney Signature
Date Summons Issued
Date Summons Mailed
Plaintiff's Demand:
The plaintiff states the following claim against the defendant(s):
1. Plaintiff demands judgment for: (Check as appropriate)
Claim for Money $
Return of Earnest Money
Return of property (replevin) (Describe property in 2 below.)
Tort/Personal injury $
Eviction due to foreclosure
Confirmation, vacation, modification or
(Not to include Wis. Stats. 425.205 actions to recover collateral.)
correction of arbitration award.
Plus interest, costs, attorney fees, if any, and such other relief as the court deems proper.
2. Brief statement of dates and facts: (If this is an eviction action and you are seeking money damages, you must also state that claim on this form.)
For eviction actions in Dane County, money damages are not to be stated on this form. Please see reverse side
for instructions.
See attached for additional information. Provide copy of attachments for court and defendant(s).
Verification: Under oath, I state that the above complaint is true, except as those matters stated upon information and
attorney for the plaintiff.
belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. I am:
State of
County of
Subscribed and sworn to before me on
Signature of Plaintiff or Attorney
Attorney’s State Bar Number
Plaintiff'’s/Attorney's Telephone Number
Law Firm and Address
Notary Public/Court Official
Name Printed or Typed
My commission/term expires:
An original and sufficient copies for service purposes of this document must be submitted at the time of filing (one for
each defendant if mail services allowed by court, two for each defendant if personal service is required.
SC-500, 08/11 Summons and Compliant – Small Claims
Chapter 799, Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
American LegalNet, Inc.
October, 2009
American LegalNet, Inc.
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