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CV-900, 05/18 Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment(s) Due to Discharge in Bankruptcy 247806.19(4)(b), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY Plaintiff/Petitioner - vs - Defendant/Respondent Amended Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment(s) Due to Discharge in Bankruptcy Case No. To: County Clerk of Circuit Court 1. The Judgment Debtor or person interested in real property, , has received an order for discharge of debts under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. A copy of the order for discharge that is attached to this application is a certified copy or a photocopy of the order in the form in which it was served on parties in interest by the bankruptcy court. The Judgment Debtor or person interested in real property, applies for satisfaction of the following judgment(s) in the above case number: (If more space is needed, attach additional page) Creditor Judgment Date 2. A. Copies of the schedules of debts as filed with the bankruptcy court showing each judgment creditor for each of the above-listed judgment(s) are attached; or B. Each judgment creditor for each of the judgments described above has been duly notified of the bankruptcy case in the following manner: (Identify the form of notice given.) 3. Each judgment listed above has been discharged and no inconsistent ruling from the bankruptcy court has been made by, or is being requested by, any party. Judgment Debtor, Person I nterested in Real Property s Signature Name Printed or Typed Address Date Phone Number American LegalNet, Inc.