Non-Earnings Garnishment Objection To Answer(s) And Demand For Hearing
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CV-304, 11/17 Objection to Answer(s) and Demand for Hearing Non-Earnings Garnishment 247247812.14 and 812.15, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY to Answer(s) and Demand for Hearing Non - Earnings Garnishment Case No. Creditor: Debtor: and Garnishee: To the clerk of court: 1. I object to the answer and demand a hearing to resolve the issues in controversy. I object to the answer(s) for the following reasons: [Explain briefly] 2. To the best of my knowledge, the current address is the same as that stated in the notice I filed to start this non-earnings garnishment. now: 3. To the best of my knowledge the same as that stated in the notice I filed to start this non-earnings garnishment. now: I understand that if I object to the answer or the debtor's answer in bad faith, I may be held liable for court costs. Creditor/Attorney Print or Type Name Date Address Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc.