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Income And Expense Statement Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Circuit Court Statewide.
Tags: Income And Expense Statement, FA-4138, Wisconsin Statewide, Circuit Court
Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Respondent/Joint Petitioner B: FA-4138V, 05/18 Income and Expense Statement 247247767.127 and 946.32(1)(a), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 3 Failure by either party to complete and file this form as required will authorize the court to accept the statement of the other party as the basis for its decisions. Deliberate failure to provide complete disclosure is a crime. Attach additional pages if space is not sufficient. 1. PROOF OF INCOME Attach a statement reflecting income earned to date for the current year. Attach most recent W-2 Statement. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION Name Address Address City State Zip Phone [Day] 3. EMPLOYER INFORMATION Name Address Address City State Zip Phone [Day] 4. CURRENT MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD Enter the name and relationship of all people actually living in your household at this time. Check yes or no to identify if they contribute to payment of household expenses. Name I live alone Relationship This person helps pay expenses Yes No 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter the name of the county in which this case is filed. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY This form is used for divorce, legal separation and paternity cases. Some information may not apply to your case. Enter the name and address of the Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A. Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A Name (First, Middle and Last) Current Mailing Address City State Zip Daytime phone number and Respondent/Joint Petitioner B Name (First, Middle and Last) Current Mailing Address City State Zip Daytime phone number INCOME & EXPENSE STATEMENT Case No. IV - D KIDS Case No. Enter the name and address of the Respondent/Joint Petitioner B. Enter the case number and child support IV - D KIDS number, if known. American LegalNet, Inc. Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Respondent/Joint Petitioner B: FA-4138V, 05/18 Income and Expense Statement 247247767.127 and 946.32(1)(a), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 3 5. MONTHLY INCOME Income from wages / salary is received : (check one) To calculate monthly gross income use the multiplier shown: weekly - multiply weekly income by 4.3 3 every other week (bi - weekly) - m ultiply bi - weekly income by 2.17 monthly twice a month - multiply semi - monthly income by 2 MONTHLY GROSS INCOME 1. 1. Gross monthly income (before taxes and deductions) from salary and wages, including commissions, allowances and overtime. 2. Pensions , retirement funds and social security benefits received 3 . Disability, Unemployment Insurance and/or public assistance funds received 4 . Interest and Dividends received 5 . 7. Child Support and maintenance (spousal support) received 6 . Rental payments received (from property you rent to others) 7 . Bonuses received 8 . Other sources of income received: (please specify) 9 . 1 0 . Tot al Gross Income (add lines 1 - 9 ) MONTHLY DEDUCTIONS 11. Number of tax exemptions claimed 12. Monthly federal and state income tax , Social Security, and Medicare withholdings 13. Medical insurance 14. Other insurance (Life, disability, etc.) 15. Union or other dues 16. Retirement, pension and/or deferred compensation fund 17. Child sup port or spousal support payment deductions 18. Other deductions: (please specify) 19. 20. 21. Total Monthly Deductions (add lines 12 2 0 ) MONTHLY NET INCOM E (subtract line 21 from line 10 ) 6. CURRENT MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES Monthly Household Expenses 1. Rent/ mortgage payment /property taxes/home or rent insurance (primary residence) 2. Food 3. Utilities (electricity, heat, water, sewage, trash) 4. Telephone (loc al, long distance & cellular) 5. Cable/Satellite and Internet Services 6. Insurance (life, health, accident, auto, liability, disability, excluding insurance that is paid through payroll deductions) 7. Auto payments (loans/leases), auto expenses (gas, oil, repairs, maintenance), and transportation (other than automobile) 8 . Medical, dental and prescription drug expenses (not covered by insurance) 9 . Childcare (babysitting and day care) 10 . Child support or spousal support payments (Exclude payments made through payroll deductions) 11. Other expenses Other Monthly installment payments: 12 . Mortgage (other than primary mortgage) 13 . Other vehicle payments (RV, boat, ATV) 14 . Credit card debt (total minimum monthly payments) 15 . Court ordered obligations 16 . Student loans American LegalNet, Inc. Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Respondent/Joint Petitioner B: FA-4138V, 05/18 Income and Expense Statement 247247767.127 and 946.32(1)(a), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 3 of 3 17 . Other p ersonal loans 18. TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES (Add lines 1 - 18 ) 7. I do do not have assets (vehicles, real estate, personal property, stocks, retirement accounts, etc.) with a total fair market value of $10,000 or more at this time. 8. DECLARATION: I declare under penalty of perjury that the above, including all attachments are complete, true and correct. Sign and print your name. Enter the date on which you signed your name. Note: This signature does not need to be notarized. Signature Print or Type Name Date American LegalNet, Inc.