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Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Respondent/Joint Petitioner B: FA-609, 05/18 Notice of Hearing and Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Order 247247767.471, 801.11, and 801.15(4), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 2 Enter the name of the county in which the original case was filed. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY Check paternity or marriage. If paternity, enter initials of child. IN RE : T HE MARRIAGE PATERNITY OF Enter the name, address, and daytime phone number for the P etitioner or for Joint Petitioner A . Petitioner /Joint Petitioner A Name (First, Middle and Last) Current Mailing Address City S tate Zip Daytime phone number - vs - On the far right , enter the original case number. Notice of Hearing and Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Order Case No. Enter the name, address, and daytime phone number for the Respo ndent or for Joint Petitioner B . Respondent /Joint Petitioner B Name (First, Middle and Last) Current Mailing Address City State Zip Daytime phone number Enter the name of the other (non - moving) party. NOTICE OF HEARING To: Please take notice that a hearing on the attached motion shall be held: For Court Use Only: The clerk will complete this section. Date Time Location Circuit Court Judge/Circuit Court Commissioner Failure to appear could result in an order being issued granting the relief requested in the motion. A copy of this Notice and Motion shall be personally served on the other parent not less than 5 business days prior to the hearing. If the moving party seeks to have you found in contempt of court for non - compliance with the judgment or court order, and if you are found in contempt of court, a jail sentence could be imposed. You therefore have the right to be represented by an attorney at this hearing. Unless good cause is shown, failure to appear with an attorney may be considered a waiver of that right. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. MOTION TO E NFORCE PHYSICAL PLACEMENT ORDER Based upon the following: 1. I was awarded periods of physical placement of [ N ame of children] by judgment or order of County. A copy of the physical placement order is attached. Check all that apply. 2. I have A. had one or more period s of physical placement denied by the other party. American LegalNet, Inc. Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Respondent/Joint Petitioner B: FA-609, 05/18 Notice of Hearing and Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Order 247247767.471, 801.11, and 801.15(4), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 2 B. had one or more period s of physical placement substantially interfered with by other party . C. incurred a financial loss or expense as a result of the other party failure to exercise periods of physical placement, without adequate notice, under an order allocating specific times for the exercise of placement. Enter facts explaining problems you are having. 3. The facts explaining what happened are: See attached I REQUEST THE COURT ISSUE AN ORDER TO : 1. Grant additional periods of physical placement to replace those denied or interfered with. 2. Award reasonable costs and attorney fees. Check all that apply. 3. Require the other party return the child to me. 4. Change the current order to specify the times for the exercise of periods of physical placement. 5. Find the other party in contempt. 6. Grant an injunction ordering the other party to strictly comply with the judgment or order. 7. Require the other party to pay me a sum of money sufficient to compensate for financial loss or expenses resulting from the other party exercise peri ods of placement under an order allocating specific times. STOP! Take this document to a No tary Public BEFORE you sign it. After you have been sworn by a Notary Public, sign and print your name and date the document in front of the Notary Public. Signature Print or Type Name Date Have the Notary Public sign, date, and seal the document. State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before me on Notary Public/Court Official Name Printed or Typed My commission/term expires: American LegalNet, Inc.