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GF-243A, 11/17 Motion to Redact Protected Information in Transcript(s) 247801.19(4), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 1 Enter the name of the county in which this case is filed. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY full name. Petitioner/Plaintiff : First name Middle name Last name Respondent/Defendant : First name Middle name Last name Enter the Respondent/ Enter the case number. Use this form to request redaction from the transcript(s) to the court . Protected information only includes social security, employer or tax ID, driver license, financial accounts, and passport numbers. Motion to Redact Protected Information in Transcript (s) Case No. In #1, describe the protected information that you want to have redacted from the transcript (s) . For example, 1. I request that the following protected information be redacted from the transcript(s) as listed below: social security number employer or tax ID number drivers license number financial account numbers passport number Note every place in the transcript (s) where protected information appears. The court reporter is not responsible for findin g protected information in other places. Location in the transcript(s) Date of Proceeding Type of Information Page and Line Number Do NOT put the actual number on this form. In #2, u se form GF - 24 1 to provide the protected information to the court if it is needed for this cas e. The court will keep the GF - 24 1 confidential. 2. I am filing GF - 24 1 to provide this protected information to the court. In #3, i f you are not a party or the attorney for a party, describe your relationship to this case. 3. I am not an attorney or a party to this case. I am interested because: 4. I am making this request In #4, d escribe why you believe good cause exists for redacting the transcript (s) more than 30 days after it was filed . 30 days or less from the time the transcript (s) was filed with the court. more than 30 days from the time the transcript (s) was filed with the court. Good cause exists for the court to grant this request because: Sign and print your name and date the document. DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. Parties 3. Petitioner, if not a party 4. Court Reporter Signature Print or Type Name Date American LegalNet, Inc.