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GF-246B, 05/16 Order on Motion to Seal or Redact a Court Record 247801.21, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 1 Enter the name of the county in which this case is filed. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY Enter the Petitioner/ Petitioner/Plaintiff : First name Middle name Last name Respondent/Defendant : First name Middle name Last name Order on Motion To Seal or Redact a Court Record Case No. Enter the Respondent/ Enter the case number. A motion to seal or re d act a court record or transcript has been filed with the court. THE COURT ORDERS: The motion to 1. seal the requested information is granted for the reasons set forth in this motion. The clerk shall seal the following documents: Access to view document(s): Petitioner/Plaintiff Respondent/Defendant Social Worker Guardian Attorney Guardian ad Litem Probation Other: 2. redact the requested information is granted for the reasons set forth in this motion. The clerk shall redact the following information : Access to view document(s): Petitioner/Plaintiff Respondent/Defendant Social Worker Guardian Attorney Guardian ad Litem Probation Other: The clerk shall perform the redaction as identified in this motion for previously filed documents. The parties shall omit or redact this information from all documents subsequently filed. 3 . seal or redact is denied because A. the request lacks a sufficient legal basis. B. the requester has not made a sufficient factual showing. C. Other: 4 . Other: DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. Parties 3. Petitioner, if not a party American LegalNet, Inc.