ICWA Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights)
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ICWA Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights) Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Circuit Court Statewide.
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Tags: ICWA Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights), IW-1633, Wisconsin Statewide, Circuit Court
IW-1633, 05/18 Summons (Termination of Parental Rights) Indian Child Welfare Act 24748.42, Wisconsin Statutes; 25 U.S.C 2471912 This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF Name Date of Birth Summons ( Termination of Parental Rights ) Indian Child Welfare Act Case No. TO : A Petition for the Termination of Parental Rights to this child has been filed and is attached to this Summons. You are summoned and required to appear on: NOTICE OF HEARING Date Time Location (Include Room Number) and Telephone Number Circuit Court Judge IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR, the court may hear testimony in support of the allegations in the attached Petition and grant the request of the petitioner to terminate your parental rights. You have the right to have an attorney present. If you desire to contest the matter and cannot afford an attorney, the state public defender may appoint an attorney to represent you. If you fail to appear and the court terminates your parental rights, a notice of intent to pursue relief from the judgment must be signed and filed in the trial court within 30 days after the judgment is entered, in order to preserve the right to pursue such relief. A parent, Indian custodian, or tribe has the right to Intervene at any point in the proceeding. Request up to 20 additional days to prepare for this proceeding. Petition the court for transfer to tribal court. Parties shall keep all information contained in this Notice confidential. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. Name Printed or Typed Date American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com