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JD-1739A, 05/19 Request and Authorization to Open Court Records for Inspection 24724748.396(2)(a) - (2)(ap) and 938.396(2g)(ag) - (2g)(am), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF Name Date of Birth Request and Authorization to Open Court Records for Inspection Case No. To the custodian of child/juvenile court records: 1. I am the child/juvenile and am 14 years of age or older. parent of the child/juvenile. guardian of the child/juvenile. legal custodian of the child/juvenile. expectant mother, 14 years of age or older, whose unborn child is the subject of a chapter 48 proceeding. guardian ad litem for the unborn child. 2.A. I request to inspect and obtain copies of the court records relating to the child/juvenile. 2.B. I authorize [ N ame] to inspect the following court records pertaining to the child/juvenile: Specify record(s): DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. Child/Juvenile/Attorney/Guardian ad Litem 3. Parent/Guardian/Legal Custodian/Attorney 4. District Attorney/Corporation Counsel 5. Social Worker Child/Juvenile/Parent/Guardian/Legal Custodian Name Printed Date American LegalNet, Inc.