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JD-1738A, 05/19 Request to Inspect Juvenile Court Records 24724748.396(2)(b)-(2)(h) and 938.396(2g)(b)-(2g)(o), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF Name Date of Birth Request to Inspect Juvenile Court Records Case No. 1 . I am requesting to inspect the court records of the child/ juvenile. I am the Authorized representative of a law enforcement agency investigating alleged criminal activity or activity that may result in a court exercising jurisdiction under 247938.12 or 938.13(12). 247938.396 (2g)(c), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the district attorney requesting information to perform his or her official duties in a proceeding in a court of criminal juri sdiction. 247247 48.396(2)(e) and 938.396(2 g )(d), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of a c ourt of criminal jurisdiction requesting information for the purpose of conducting or preparing for a proceeding in that court . 247247 48.396(2)(e) and 938.396(2 g )(d), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of a court of civil jurisdiction or the attorney for a party to a proceeding in that court requesting information to impeach a witness under 247906.09. 247938.396(2g)(d), W is. Stats. Attorney, or authorized representative of the attorney, for the person whose records are requested, to prepare that client's defense. 247938.396(2g)(dm), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the Department of Corrections or any other person preparing a presentence investigation. 247938.396(2g)(dr), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health Services, the Department of Justice, or a district attorney for use in the prosecution of any proceeding or any evaluation conducted under ch. 980. 247938.396(10), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the Department of Corrections reviewing court records on a juvenile who has been adjudicated delinquent or found not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect , for a sexually violent offense and is a registered sex offender. 247938.396(2g)(em), Wis. Stats. Victim - witness coordinator enforcing the constitutional and statutory rights of a victim. 247938.396(2g)(f), Wis. Stats. Insurer of the victim to learn the amount of restitution, if any, ordered by court. 247938.396(2g)(fm), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of court having jurisdiction over actions affecting the family, attorney responsible for support enforcement, or a party, a party's attorney or the juvenile 's guardian ad litem, to a paternity action requesting information relat ing to paternity for purpose of determining, or rebutting presumption of, paternity of the child/juvenile . 24724748.396(2)(dm) and 938.396 (2g) (g), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of any court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chapters 48 and 938, municipal court exercising jurisdiction under 247938.17(2), Wis. Stats., district attorney, corp oration counsel, or city, village, or town attorney requesting review of court records for the purpose of any proceedings in that court. 24724748.396(2)(g) and 938.396(2 g )(gm), Wis. Stats. Attorney or guardian ad litem for a party to a chapter 48 or 938 proceeding in this court requesting a review of court records for the purpose of this proceeding. 24724748.396(2)(g) and 938.396(2 g )(gm), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the court having jurisdiction over actions affecting the family, an attorney for a party or guardian ad litem in an action affecting the family, requesting a review of court rec ords for the purpose of considering the custody of the child/juvenile . 24724748.396(2)(h) and 938.396(2 g )(h), Wis. Stats. Authorized representative of the court assigned probate jurisdiction, attorney general, personal representative, special administrator, attorney performing services for the estate, a person interested as defined in 247851.21, attorney, attorney - in - fact, guardian ad litem or guardian of the estate of a person inte rested, requesting review of court records for the purpose of determining whether any juvenile was adjudicated delinquent on the basis of unlawfully and intentionally killing a person. 247938.396(2 g )(i), Wis. Stats. Representative of a fire investigator under 247165.55(15) Wis. Stats., requesting the review of court records for the purpose of pursuing an investigation. 247938.396(2g)(j), Wis. Stats. 2. I am requesting to inspect and copy the court records of the child/ juvenile. I am the Authorized r epresentative of Department of Children and Families, Department of Corrections, or a federal agency monitoring and conducting periodic evaluations of activities under 45 CFR 1355, 1356, and 1357. 24724748.396(2)(b)1. and 938.396(2g)(b)1., Wis. Stats. American LegalNet, Inc. JD-1738A, 05/19 Request to Inspect Juvenile Court Records 24724748.396(2)(b)-(2)(h) and 938.396(2g)(b)-(2g)(o), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 2 Authorized representative of an entity engaged in bona fide research, monitoring, or evaluation of activities conducted under the as determined by the Director of State Courts. 24724748.396(2)(b)2. and 938.396(2g)(b)2., Wis. Stats. 3. For any requester not listed above: The juvenile is alleged to be delinquent for committing a violation specifi ed as a Serious Juvenile Offender Crime. 247938.396(2g)(k), Wis. Stats. The juvenile is alleged to have committed a violation that would be a felony, and has previously been adjudicated delinquent. 247938.396(2g)(L), Wis. Stats. If a request is made under #3, the court reports under 247938.33, Wis. Stats., examinations under 247938.295, Wis. Stats., and other records that deal with sensitive personal information of the juvenile and the juvenile 's family shall not be open for inspectio n. 4. Pursuant to this request The juvenile clerk has provided records for inspection. Identification checked by: Juvenile Clerk or Register in Probate DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. Person making request Person Making Request Name Printed Date American LegalNet, Inc.