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Writ Of Restitution Eviction Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Circuit Court Statewide.
Tags: Writ Of Restitution Eviction, SC-512, Wisconsin Statewide, Circuit Court
Name of Form:
Writ of Restitution (Eviction)
Form Number:
Statutory Reference:
§§799.44 and 799.45, Wisconsin Statutes
Purpose of Form:
To direct the sheriff to remove the defendant from the property, and if
applicable, direct the sheriff to remove or supervise the removal of the
defendant’s property from the property in question, with the assistance of
the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s agent.
Who Completes It:
Depending on county policy, this is completed either by the parties or by
the clerk of court. The clerk of court can generate this from the CCAP
system; see comments below.
Distribution of Form:
Original is signed and sealed by the clerk to be delivered to the Sheriff.
The clerk may retain copies in the court file. When the original is returned
to the clerk by the sheriff, the original is then filed.
Accompanying Forms:
Generally none, unless the property description is too long and has to be
on an attached sheet.
New Form/Modification:
Modification; last update 05/00.
Added lines in caption section.
Several counties have provided these forms on a regular basis in the past.
They have requested it also be available on CCAP. RMC has no concern
with providing blank forms that are expected to be completed by the
parties. However, RMC has reservations about providing these forms with
information generated from CCAP. RMC's concerns are that completing
these forms may be construed as the practice of law, and errors may create
potential liability.
RMC recommends that each county give careful consideration to its policy
on how to use this form.
About this form:
This form is the product of the Wisconsin Records Management
Committee, a committee of the Director of State Court's Office and a
mandate of the Wisconsin Judicial Conference.
If you have additional information that does not change the meaning
of the form, attach it on a separate page. The form itself shall not be
Date: 07/10/00
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2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.
For Official Use
Writ of Restitution
Case No.
To the sheriff of
A judgment in favor of plaintiff and against the defendant in an eviction action was entered on
for restitution of the following premises
IT IS ORDERED THAT, within 10 days after you received this writ, you:
• Remove the defendant and all other persons found upon the premises claiming under the defendant,
using such reasonable force as is necessary.
• Remove or supervise removal of all personal property found in the premises not the property of the plaintiff,
using such reasonable force as is necessary.
• Assist the plaintiff or the plaintiff's agent in the removal of all personal property found in the premises not
the property of the plaintiff, using such reasonable force as may be necessary.
• Exercise ordinary care in the removal or supervision of removal of all persons and property from the premises
and in the handling and storage of all property removed from the premises.
• Store and dispose of any removed personal property according to law unless the plaintiff, the plaintiff's
attorney, or the plaintiff's agent notifies the sheriff that the plaintiff or the plaintiff's agent will remove and store
or dispose of the property found in the premises.
• Complete the sheriff's report on page 2 and return this writ to the court.
Name Printed or Typed
Information to assist sheriff:
Plaintiff's Attorney
Defendant's Attorney
Business Phone:
Home Phone:
Complete the sheriff's report on page 2
SC-512, 7/00 Writ of Restitution (Eviction)
§§799.44 and 799.45, Wisconsin Statutes.
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.
Writ of Restitution (Eviction)
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Case No.
Sheriff's Report to Court:
I received this writ on (date)
I executed this writ on (dates)
removed the defendant and others claiming under the defendant from the premises.
removed and am storing the defendant's personal property.
assisted the plaintiff in removing and storing the property.
Sheriff's Signature
SC-512, 7/00 Writ of Restitution (Eviction)
§§799.44 and 799.45, Wisconsin Statutes.
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.