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IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYOMING In re ) ) ) ) ) Debtor(s). Case No. CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 13 PLAN SUMMARY A. Total debt provided under the plan and administrative expenses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attorney Fees Mortgage Arrears Secured Claims (including adequate protection payments) (list separately) Priority Claims (list separately) Separate Class of Unsecured Claims All other unsecured creditors Total payments to above creditors Trustee percentage fee Total debtor payments to the plan B. Reconciliation with Chapter 7 a. Value of real property $__________ Less secured claims (__________) Less exemptions (__________) b. Value of personal property $__________ Less secured claims (__________) Less exemptions (__________) c. Value of avoidable transfers d. Less unsecured priority claims e. Less estimated chapter 7 administrative expenses and costs Total paid under hypothetical chapter 7 to unsecured creditors 2. Percent of unsecured, non-priority claims paid under the plan 3. Estimated percentage of unsecured, non-priority claims paid if chapter 7 were filed Dated: ___________________ ________________________________ Debtor(s) ________________________________ Counsel 1. $__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ (_________) (_________) $__________ _________% _________% American LegalNet, Inc.