Objection To Claim For Child Support Abatement
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Objection To Claim For Child Support Abatement Form. This is a Wyoming form and can be use in Park Local County.
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Tags: Objection To Claim For Child Support Abatement, Wyoming Local County, Park
Fee paid _____ STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF PARK _____________________________, Plaintiff, vs. ______________________________, Defendant. ) ) ss. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Civil Action No. _________ OBJECTION TO CLAIM FOR CHILD SUPPORT ABATEMENT ___________________, custodial parent herein, objects to the non-custodial parent's Claim for Child Support Abatement filed with the Court an d in support of said objection shows to the Court as follows: 1. 2. Dates of visitation claimed by NCP: ____________________ Date Claim mailed by Clerk of Court: ___________________ 3. I wish to object to the Claim for Abatement based on the following reason: _______ A. Court has ordered child support will not abate. _______ B. Non-custodial parent did not have child(ren) for 15 or more consecutive days. _______ C. Dates of claimed visitation are incorrect. i. Dates claimed by non-custodial parent for visitation: _________________________________ ii Actual dates of visitation ____________________________________________ 4. 5. As required by state statute, attached hereto is the $10.00 filing fee. This objection is presented within 30 days after the claim of child support abatement was mailed to me. Dated: ____________________ ___________________________________ Signature - custodial parent ___________________________________ Address American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The foregoing Objection to Claim for Child Support Abatement was mailed to the non custodial parent above-named this ______ day of _____________, 20___. The District Court, Fifth Judicial District, was notified of the Claim for Child Support Abatement and Objection to Claim for Child Support Abatement this _____ day of ______________, 20___. ________________________________ Clerk of District Court By: ____________________________ Deputy Rev. September 2001 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com