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Affidavit Of Financial Eligibility For Services Of Public Defender Form. This is a Wyoming form and can be use in Teton Local County.
Tags: Affidavit Of Financial Eligibility For Services Of Public Defender, Wyoming Local County, Teton
Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District Teton County, State of Wyoming The Honorable James L. Radda STATE OF WYOMING Plaintiff/Demandante Vs. _________________________________, } } } } } } } *WARNING: You must complete this form in English *ADVERTENCIA: Este formulario debe completarse en ingl�s Case No._____________________ [N�mero de Causa] Defendant/Acusado(a) AFFIDAVIT OF FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY FOR THE SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER [DECLARACI�N JURADA DE ELEGIBILIDAD FINANCIERA PARA SERVICIOS DEL DEFENSOR P�BLICO] My full name is [Mi nombre completo es] _____________________________. I am the Defendant in the above entitled criminal action, I am charged with [Yo soy el Acusado(a) en la acci�n penal mencionada arriba, y soy acusado(a) de]: ___________________________________________________________________________. And my next court appearance is on [Y mi pr�xima cita ante el tribunal es el d�a] ____________________, 2010. I SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE COURT AND/OR THE PUBLIC DEFENDER TO VERIFY ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. [YO JURO O AFIRMO SOLEMNEMENTE QUE LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACI�N ES LA VERDAD, TODA LA VERDAD, Y NADA M�S QUE LA VERDAD. ADEM�S, YO AUTORIZO A ESTE TRIBUNAL Y/O AL DEFENSOR P�BLICO A VERIFICAR TODA O PARTE DE LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACI�N]. YOU MUST ANSWER EVERY QUESTION [DEBE CONTESTAR TODAS LAS PREGUNTAS] 1. I currently reside at (street address) [Actualmente yo vivo en (domicilio residencial)] ___________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ My mailing address is [Mi direcci�n postal es] ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone [Tel�fono de casa] ___________________________ Other phone [Otro tel�fono] ___________________________ (A) I do / do not (circle one) own my own home. [Yo soy / no soy (circule uno) propietario de mi casa]. (B) The house I own could be sold for [Mi casa, de la que soy propietario puede ser vendida por] $_________ (if applicable [si aplica]). I owe [Yo debo] $____________on the mortgage [en la hipoteca de mi casa] (C) I live with [Yo vivo con] ________________________________________________________ (D) I pay [Yo pago] $____________ for rent / mortgage (circle one) per month [de renta/hipoteca (circule uno) al mes] (E) de] I gave the landlord a security deposit of [Yo entregu� al arrendador/rentero un dep�sito de seguridad $__________. 2. My occupation is [Mi ocupaci�n/oficio es] __________________________________________________ (A) I am employed by [Yo trabajo para] ________________________________________________ (B) If unemployed, why? [Si desempleado, por qu�?]_______________________________________ (C) I receive my paycheck weekly, every two weeks, twice monthly, monthly (circle one) [Yo (D) (E) (F) recibo mi salario/sueldo -cada semana/ cada otra semana/ dos veces al mes/ una vez al mes/ (circule uno)]. The average amount of my paycheck (actual take home pay) is approximately [La cantidad promedia de mi salario/sueldo (lo que se lleva a casa) es de aproximadamente] $___________. If unemployed, the last time I worked was [Si desempleado, la �ltima vez que trabaj� fue] _________ Last place of employment [�ltimo lugar de empleo] ____________________________________ I have the following other sources and amounts of income [Yo tengo las siguientes fuentes y cantidades de ingresos]: ___Social Security [Seguro Social] $________ ___Veterans Benefits [Prestaciones de Veterano] $________ ___Tips [Propinas] $________ ___Worker's Comp [Compensaci�n al Trabajador] $________ ___Welfare [Bienestar Social] $________ ___AFDC [Asistencia a Familias con Menores] $________ ___Bonuses [Bonificaciones] $________ ___Commissions [Comisiones] $________ 3. I have the following cash or other liquid assets on hand [Yo tengo el siguiente dinero en efectivo u otros bienes disponibles] $___________________________________ 1 Revised 05/10 Translated 10/10 By J. Flores American LegalNet, Inc. 4. I, or my spouse (if married), have the following savings and/or checking accounts [Yo, o mi esposa/o (si casado/a), tenemos las siguientes cuentas bancarias de ahorro y/o chequera]: NAME OF BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER CURRENT BALANCE [NOMBRE DEL BANCO] [NUMERO DE CUENTA] [BALANCE ACTUAL] 5. I own the following vehicles, which are worth the following amounts [Yo soy propietario de los siguientes autom�viles, los cuales tienen el siguiente valor]: (A) _______________________________________________, worth [valor] $__________________ (B) _______________________________________________, worth [/valor] $__________________ (C) _______________________________________________, worth [valor] $__________________ 6. I own clothing worth about [Yo soy propietario de ropa con un valor de] $_____________________ I own household furniture worth about [Yo soy propietario de muebles de casa con un valor de] $____ ___________________________ (C) I own jewelry worth about [Yo soy propietario de joyas con un valor de] $_____________________ (D) I own tools/work equipment worth about [Yo soy propietario de herramientas/equipo de trabajo con un valor de] $__________________________ (E) I own guns worth about [Yo soy propietario de armas de fuego con un valor de] $________________ (F) I own the following other property [Yo soy propietario de los siguientes inmuebles]: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ I could sell this property for about [Yo podr�a vender estas propiedades por aproximadamente]: $ ___ ___________________________ I expect to receive a tax refund from the IRS in the sum of [Yo espero recibir un reembolso de parte del Departamento de Servicios Internos (IRS) por la cantidad de] $_____________________________________ I, or my spouse (if married), have the following credit cards [Yo, o mi esposa/o (si casado/a), tengo/tenemos las siguientes cartas de cr�dito]: CREDIT CARD MONTHLY PAYMENT [CARTA DE CR�DITO] [PAGO MENSUAL] (A) (B) 7. 8. AMOUNT OWING [BALANCE ACTUAL] CREDIT LINE [LIMITE DE CR�DITO] 9. I have the following monthly payments (including utilities, cable tv, etc.) [Yo tengo las siguientes obligaciones/pagos mensuales (incluyendo servicios p�blicos, cable etc.)]: PAYABLE TO