Motion To Dismiss
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Motion To Dismiss Form. This is a Wyoming form and can be use in Teton Local County.
Tags: Motion To Dismiss, Wyoming Local County, Teton
In The Circuit Court of Teton County, State of Wyoming James L. Radda, Circuit Court Judge ______________________________ ) ) ________________________________________ ) Plaintiff(s), ) [Demandante] ) vs. ) ______________________________ ) ) ________________________________________ ) Defendant(s). ) ) [Demandado.] SMALL CLAIMS ACTION NO. [Demanda de Cuant�a Menor No.] SC_____________________ MOTION TO DISMISS [MOCI�N DE DESESTIMACI�N] As the Plaintiff / Agent in the above-named action, I / we hereby request a dismissal of this case for the following reason: [Como el Demandante / Representante en la demanda mencionada arriba, Yo / nosotros por medio de la presente solicito la desestimaci�n de este caso por la siguiente raz�n:] __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATED this ________ day of ______________, ____. [SUBSCRITO este d�a X de XX, XX.] _____________________________________ Plaintiff [Demandante] ______________________________________ Witness [Testigo] Motion to Dismiss Translated 12/2010 By J. Flores 1 American LegalNet, Inc.