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Notice To Quit Leave And Vacate (Eviction Notice) Form. This is a Wyoming form and can be use in Teton Local County.
Tags: Notice To Quit Leave And Vacate (Eviction Notice), Wyoming Local County, Teton
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS EVICTION NOTICE [INSTRUCCIONES PARA ESTA NOTIFICACI�N DE DESALOJO] You must arrange to have this Eviction Notice served. The Sheriff's Office will not serve the Notice unless a lawsuit is pending. You may check the yellow pages for "Process Servers" to arrange for independent service. There will be a fee for service. [Usted debe hacer los arreglos para la entrega oficial de este Notificaci�n de Desalojo. La oficina del Sheriff no hace entrega excepto si hay una demanda pendiente. Puede consultar las p�ginas amarillas para localizar "Servicios de Entrega" ("Process Servers" como se dice en ingl�s) y disponer de la entrega independiente. Habr� un costo por este servicio.] If the renters/lesser do not leave within three days (72 hours) after the date/time of service (or any longer period agreed to by you), you should consult an attorney about filing a suit for forcible entry and detainer. If you have other questions, consult an attorney. [Si los inquilinos/arrendadores no desalojan dentro de tres d�as (72 horas) despu�s del d�a/hora de la notificaci�n (o cualquier otro periodo acordado por usted), deber� consultar a un abogado acerca de entablar una demanda por allanamiento de morada y retenci�n il�cita. Si tiene otras preguntas, consulte a un abogado.] You may also consider filing a SMALL CLAIMS action for rent or other amounts due. Contact the Circuit Court (307) 733-7713 for information and forms. The Small Claims jurisdictional limit is $5,000. [Tambi�n podr�a considerar presentar una Demanda de Cuant�a Menor por alquiler u otras cantidades pendientes. Llame al Tribunal de Primera Instancia al tel�fono (307) 733-7713 para informaci�n y formularios. El l�mite jurisdiccional de Demandas de Cuant�a Menor es de $5,000.00.] (DETACH HERE BEFORE DELIVERING TO A PROCESS SERVER) (SEPARE AQU� ANTES DE ENTREGAR A LA PERSONA QUE HACE LA ENTREGA) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATE OF WYOMING } [ESTADO DE WYOMING] } SS NOTICE TO QUIT, LEAVE AND VACATE [NOTIFICACI�N DE ABANDONAR, SALIR Y DESALOJAR] County of Teton [Condado de Teton] } TO/PARA: ________________________________________________________________________________________ YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO QUIT, LEAVE AND VACATE THOSE PREMISES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS (give full street address; name of building if applicable; apartment number; etc.; and/or full legal description including lot number and block number; be as specific as possible): [POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE LE NOTIFICA A USTED Y CADA UNO DE USTEDES A ABANDONAR, SALIR Y DESALOJAR EL LOCAL DESCRITO COMO SIGUE (proporcione domicilio completo; nombre de edificio si aplica; n�mero de apartamento; etc.; y/o descripci�n legal completa incluyendo n�mero de lote y manzana; sea los m�s preciso posible): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR THE REASON (S) THAT (state here your reasons (s) for evicting): [POR LA RAZ�N (ES) DE (diga las razones que tiene para desalojar)] ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHOULD YOU FAIL TO QUIT, LEAVE AND VACATE SAID PREMISES WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS AFTER SERVICE OF THIS NOTICE, THE UNDERSIGNED MAY CAUSE APPROPRIATE LEGAL ACTION TO BE INSTITUTED AGAINST YOU FOR FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER OF THE PREMISES HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED, AND FOR RENTS FOUND DUE. [SI USTED FALLA EN ABANDONAR, SALIR Y DESALOJAR EL LOCAL MENCIONADO EN UN PLAZO DE TRES (3) D�AS DESPU�S DE LA ENTREGA DE ESTA NOTIFICACI�N, EL SUBSCRITO TENDR� CAUSA DE INSTITUIR LA APROPIADA ACCI�N LEGAL EN SU CONTRA POR ENTRADA FORZADA Y RETENCI�N DEL LOCAL DESCRITO AQU�, Y POR RENTAS QUE SE DEBAN.] DATED this ____day of ____________, 201__. [FECHADO este d�a XX de XXX, 201X.] NOTARY: SIGNED [FIRMADO]: ____________________________________________________ Mailing Address [Direcci�n Postal]: ______________________________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me by_________________________________________________ (Firmado y juramentado ante mi por) (Printed/typed name of person who signed above) (Nombre de la persona que firmo arriba en letra de molde) This ____ day of ____________, 201__. [Este d�a XX de XXX, 201X] _____________________________________________________ (SEAL [SELLO]) Notary Public [ Notario P�blico] (Commission expires [Comisi�n se vence] :___________________) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE [COMPROBANTE DE ENTREGA] (Name of Server)___________________________, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he/she is over the age of 18 years and is not a party to the forgoing eviction or interested therein; that he/she made service of said NOTICE TO QUIT, LEAVE AND VACATE in Teton County on the ____day of ____________, 201__, by delivering a true copy of the same in the manner and at the time specified [(Nombre del que entrega)XXX, estando debidamente juramentado, bajo palabra testifica y afirma que el/ella es mayor de 18 a�os y no es parte del desalojo que precede o interesado en este; que �l/ella hizo entrega de la NOTIFICACI�N PARA ABANDONAR, SALIR Y DESALOJAR en el Condado de Teton el d�a XX de XX, 201X, por medio de la entrega de una copia fiel de la misma y de la manera y en la hora especificada]:____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ SERVER [MENSAJERO] ____________________________________________ NOTARY: Subscribed and sworn to before me by_____________________________________________ (Firmado y juramentado ante mi por) Printed/typed name of person who signed above) (Nombre de la persona que firmo arriba en letra de molde) . This ____ day of ____________, 201__. [Este d�a XX de XXX, 201X] _______________________________________________________ (SEAL [SELLO]) Notary Public [Notario P�blico] (Commission expires [Comisi�n se vence] :_______________________) Translated 12/2010 By J. Flores American LegalNet, Inc.