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Satisfaction Of Judgment Form. This is a Wyoming form and can be use in Teton Local County.
Tags: Satisfaction Of Judgment, Wyoming Local County, Teton
SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT [SATISFACCI�N DEL FALLO] INSTRUCTIONS TO PLAINTIFF [INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL DEMANDANTE] If you were issued a Judgment in your favor and if you have been paid in full, you are advised that W.S. �1-21-401 requires that every person recovering a Judgment in Court who receives payment shall file a Satisfaction of Judgment with the Court within fifteen (15) days after receiving payment. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200. [Si usted obtuvo un Fallo a su favor y si ya le pagaron por completo, se le advierte que el Decreto de Wyoming �1-21-401 exige que toda persona que recobra un Fallo en el Tribunal y quien recibe pago deber� de presentar una Satisfacci�n de Fallo ante el Tribunal dentro de un plazo de quince (15) d�as despu�s de recibir el saldo. Fallo de cumplimiento es un crimen menor sancionado con una multa de no menos de $25 o no m�s de $200.] A Satisfaction of Judgment form appears on the following page. aparece en la siguiente p�gina.] [La forma de una Satisfacci�n de Fallo Please note that it must be signed before a Notary Public or a Justice Court Clerk. cuenta que esta debe ser firmada ante un Notario P�blico o un Dependiente del Tribunal de Justicia.] [Por favor tenga en Translated 12/2010 By J. Flores 1 American LegalNet, Inc. In The Circuit Court of Teton County, State of Wyoming James L. Radda, Circuit Court Judge ______________________________ ________________________________________ } } } } } ____________________________below [abajo], } vs. } Appellant, [Apelante] Small Claims Case No. [Demanda de Cuant�a Menor No.] SC_____________________ ______________________________ ________________________________________ Appellee. } } } [Apelado]. } __________________________below [abajo]. } SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT [SATISFACCION DE FALLO] THE JUDGMENT entered in this case on (date of Judgment) ____________________, having been fully paid and satisfied, I hereby request the Clerk of this Court to enter Satisfaction of Judgment in my favor. [EL FALLO asentado en este asunto el (d�a del Fallo) XXX, estando pagado y cumplido completamente, por medio de la presente Yo solicito al Dependiente de este Tribunal que registre una Satisfacci�n de Fallo en mi favor.] ______________________________________ Plaintiff's Name [Nombre del Demandante] BY: STATE OF WYOMING [ESTADO DE WYOMING] ______________________________________ Plaintiff's Representative [Representante Del Demandante] County of Teton [Condado de Teton] ) ) )SS ) On this ______ day of ______________________, ______, before me personally appeared _________ ____________________________, the person signing the above Satisfaction of Judgment, known to me to be the person who is described in, and who executed, the within and foregoing Satisfaction of Judgment, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same. [En este d�a X de XX, XX, ante m� se presento personalmente XXX, la persona firmando la Satisfacci�n de Fallo anterior, conocida por m� de ser la persona quien es descrita en esta, y quien ejecuto, la Satisfacci�n de Fallo aqu� anteriormente, y reconoci� que �l/ella firmo la misma.] ______________________________________ ___Notary Public ___Deputy Clerk [Notario P�blico] [Dependiente] (SEAL) [SELLO] Commission Expires: ____________________ [Comisi�n Expira] FOR COURT USE ONLY: Copies sent this date ______ by ____ to ___Plaintiff ___Defendant___ Translated 12/2010 By J. Flores 2 American LegalNet, Inc.