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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TETON COUNTY, WYOMING JAMES L. RADDA, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE ____________________________________________ ) (NAME/NOMBRE) ) ____________________________________________ ) (MAIL ADDRESS/DIRECCI�N POSTAL) PLAINTIFF [DEMANDANTE], ) VS. ) ) ____________________________________________ ) (NAME/NOMBRE) ) ____________________________________________ ) (MAIL ADDRESS/DIRECCI�N POSTAL) DEFENDANT [DEMANDADO]) TO THE ABOVE DEFENDANT: [AL DEMANDADO MENCIONADO ARRIBA:] SMALL CLAIMS ACTION NO. [DEMANDA DE CUANT�A MENOR NO.] SC-__________________ SUMMONS with RETURN [CITATORIO con COMPROBANTE] YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the above-entitled Court on TUESDAY, the _________day of ________________, ______, at 8:15 a.m., for Trial on Plaintiff's claim. Report to the Circuit Courtroom of the Teton County Courthouse, 180 South King Street, Jackson. You do not have to come to Court if you don't want to. If you fail to appear, judgment may be entered against you for the amount claimed by Plaintiff. If you have any questions, you may call the Clerk of Court at (307) 733-7713 or stop by the Court's Office in the Courthouse and talk to the Clerk. [POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE LE CONVOCA a comparecer ante el Tribunal titulado arriba el MARTES X d�a de XX, XX, a las 8:15 a.m., para un Juicio sobre el reclamo del Demandante. Rep�rtese a la Sala del Tribunal de Primera Instancia del Palacio de Justicia del Condado de Teton, 180 S. King Street, en Jackson. Usted no tiene que venir al Tribunal si no quiere. Pero si falla en presentarse, se podr�a dictar sentencia en su contra por el monto reclamado por el Demandante. Si tiene cualquier pregunta, puede llamar al Dependiente del Tribunal al (307) 733-7713 o visite la Oficina del Tribunal en el Palacio de Justicia y hable con el Dependiente.] DATED this ______ day of _________________, _______. [SUBSCRITO este el X d�a de XX, XX.] __________________________________ Circuit Court Judge/Magistrate/Court Clerk [Juez/Magistrado/Dependiente del Tribunal] TO THE SHERIFF OF TETON COUNTY, WYOMING: [AL SHERIFF DEL CONDADO DE TETON, WYOMING:] You are commanded to serve upon the Defendant, whose name and address are as follows: Demandado, cual nombre y direcci�n se encuentran a continuaci�n:] [Se ordena que haga entrega al NAME/NOMBRE_________________________________________________________________________ Residence Address/Direcci�n Residencial_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________PHONE/TEL�FONO_____________________ Business Address/Direcci�n de Empleo_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________PHONE/TEL�FONO_____________________ the above Summons and the accompanying Small Claims Affidavit and make due return of service hereon, specifying the date and time of service. [el previo Citatorio y la Declaraci�n Jurada de Demanda de Cuant�a Menor que lo acompa�a y asegurando el comprobante de entrega incluido aqu�, especificando la fecha y hora de la entrega.] FOR COURT USE ONLY: DO NOT SERVE BEFORE Thursday, _________________________________ DO NOT SERVE AFTER Saturday, ___________________________________ SHERIFF'S RETURN-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE [COMPROBANTE-CERTIFICADO DE ENTREGA DEL SHERIFF] I, ________________________________, the undersigned, hereby certify that I received a copy of the accompanying Small Claims Affidavit on the _____ day of _______________, _____, and that I served the same on the named Defendant by delivering copies thereof to _________________________________, personally and in person, on the _____ day of ____________, ______, at _______ o'clock, ________ .m., at (location): ___________ ____________________________________________________________________________. [Yo, XXX, el subscrito, por medio de la presente certifico que Yo recib� una copia de la Declaraci�n Jurada de Demanda de Cuant�a Menor el d�a X de XX, XX, y que yo entregue la misma al Demandado mencionado por medio de la entrega de copias de esta a XXX, personalmente y en persona, el d�a X de XX, XX, a las X horas X.m. en (localidad): XXX] DATED this _____ day of _________________, ______. [SUBSCRITO este d�a X de XX, XX.] ________________________________________ Signature of person serving this Writ [Firma de la persona entregando este Documento] Title [Titulo] ______________________________ Small Claims Summons w/Return Rev 01/2011 Translated 01/2011 By J. Flores 1 American LegalNet, Inc.