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For Office Use Only Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 Ph. 307.777.7311 Fax 307.777.5339 Email: LLC-ArticlesCorrection - Revised October 2015 Limited Liability Company Articles of Correction 1.Name of the limited liability company: 2.Filed with the Wyoming Secretary of State on:(Date 226 mm/dd/yyyy) 3.Describe the record to be corrected:(Original, amendment, etc.) 4.Incorrect statement: 5.Reason it is incorrect or manner in which the execution was defective: 6.Correct statement: Signature: Date: (Shall be executed by a person authorized by the company.) (mm/dd/yyyy) Print Name: Contact Person: Title: Daytime Phone Number: Email: (Email provided will receive annual report reminders and filing evidence) *May list multiple email addresses Checklist Filing Fee: $50.00 Make check or money order payable to Wyoming Secretary of State. Please submit one originally signed document. Typical processing time is 3-5 business days following the date of receipt in our office. Please review form prior to submitting to the Secretary of State to ensure all areas have been completed to avoid a delay in the processing of your documents. American LegalNet, Inc.